Strongly correlated charge transport in silicon MOSFET quantum dots
Minky Seo,Preden Roulleau,Patrice Roche,D. Christian Glattli,Marc Sanquer,Xavier Jehl,Louis Hutin,Sylvain Barraud,Francois D. Parmentier
Mesoscale and Nanoscale Physics
Abstract:Quantum shot noise probes the dynamics of charge transfers through a quantum conductor, reflecting whether quasiparticles flow across the conductor in a steady stream, or in syncopated bursts. We have performed high-sensitivity shot noise measurements in a quantum dot obtained in a silicon metal-oxide-semiconductor field-effect transistor. The quality of our device allows us to precisely associate the different transport regimes and their statistics with the internal state of the quantum dot. In particular, we report on large current fluctuations in the inelastic cotunneling regime, corresponding to different highly-correlated, non-Markovian charge transfer processes. We have also observed unusually large current fluctuations at low energy in the elastic cotunneling regime, the origin of which remains to be fully investigated.