Analysis Ofaxial Magnetic Fieldof Slot Type Axial Magnetic FieldContacts with IronPlates

Zhiyuan Liu
Abstract:Thispaperintroduces a newkindofslottype axial magnetic field (AMF)contact withironplates. The objective ofthis paperistoanalyze AMF characteristics of thenewcontact. Theanalysis wasdonebyfinite element method.Influence ofironplateparameters on AMF characteristics, suchasaxialmagnetic fluxdensity at currentpeakandcurrent zeroandphaseshift time distribution, areshown.AMF characteristics ofsame contact without ironwereanalyzed foracomparison. Itis foundthatacasegavethehighest AMF 1.067T atcurrent peakanditsmaximumAMF atcurrent zerois0.229T that isveryclose tothesituation without iron0.228T, while its phaseshifttimeisas lowas 0.6ms-1.6ms on the intermediate planeincontact gap.Inthis caseparameters ofironplates arequantities ofironplates 12,inner diameter 16mm,outerdiameter 46mm,height ofiron plates 8mm andthickness ofcontact plates 3mm. I.INTRODUCTION Application ofasufficiently strong axial magnetic field (AMF)toahighcurrent vacuumarcpermits the arctobemaintained ina diffuse mode,witha significant reduction intheinvolvement oftheanode in thearcing process.P') Thishigh current diffuse arcmode distributes theenergy input overtheanode andcathode surfaces, leading toa lower rateofcontact erosion. There aremanykinds ofAMF contacts, suchascoil typeAMF contact 21, slot typeAMF contactE3', andslot typeAMF contact withiron.J4) Thispaperintroduces another kindofslottype contact withiron, whichisshowninFig. 1.Itisshown that irons plates arewithradial arrangement. Theiron plates canbearranged inastainless steel rackthat have slots tocontain theplates. Eddycurrent effects canbe reduced bysucharrangements compared withaniron ring, otherwise induced eddycurrent willflowinthe ring. Itissuggested thatAMF analysis canhelp understanding characteristics ofvacuuminterrupters. (5) SoAMF characteristics inthecontact showninFig. 1 needtobeknown.Theobjective ofthis paperisto analyze AMF characteristics oftheslot typeAMF contacts withironplates showninFig. 1 byfinite elementmethod(FEM).In thispaper,AMF characteristics tobeanalyzed include axial magnetic flux density atcurrent peakandcurrent zero, andphase
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