Synthesis and Characterization of SiCOF/ a2C∶F Double2Layer Films with Low Dielectric Constant for Copper Interconnects

Zhang Wei,Zhu Lian,Sun Qingqing,L u Hongliang,Ding Shijin
Abstract:A novel double2layer f ilm of SiCO F/ a2C ∶F wit h a low dielect ric constant is dep osited using a P ECV D system. The chemical st ructure of t he f ilm is characterized wit h Fourie r t ransf orm inf ra red sp ect roscop y ( F TI R) . The measurements of t he f ilm ref ractive index reveal t hat t he op tical f requency dielect ric constant ( n ) of t he f ilm is almost constant as a f unction of air exp osure time , however , wit h increasing annealing temp erature , t he value of n f or t he f ilm decreases . Possible mechanisms are discussed in detail . The analysis of SIMS p rofiles f or t he metal2insulat or2silicon st ructures reveal t hat in t he Al/ a2C ∶F/ Si st ruct ure , t he annealing causes a more rapid diff usion of F in Al in comp arison wit h C , but t here is no obvious diff e rence in Si . In addition , no recognizable verge exists between SiCO F and a2C ∶F f ilms ,and t he SiCO F f ilm acts as a bar rie r against t he diff usion of carbon int o t he aluminum layer .
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