Direct Determination of Resonance Phase Shifts of Soft X-Ray Diffraction in Thin Films by Momentum-Transfer-Sensitive Three-Wave Interference
H. -H. Wu,Y. -R. Lee,Y. -Y. Chang,C. -H. Chu,Y. -W. Tsai,Y. -J. Liu,C. -H. Hsieh,L. -J. Chou,S. -L. Chang
Abstract:A method for direct determination of resonance phase shifts in a (001) CdTe/InSb thin-film system is developed using soft x-ray three-wave resonance diffraction. At the (002) Bragg peaks of CdTe and InSb, two inversion-symmetry related three-wave diffractions are systematically identified according to crystal symmetry and the resonance phase shifts versus photon energies are measured without turning the thin film upside down. The momentum-transfer selectivity at (002) reflections facilitates the quantitative determination of the phase shifts near the Cd L-3, Te L-3, and Sb L-2 edges.