Interactive comment on “ A review of measurement-based assessment of aerosol direct radiative effect and forcing ” by H . Yu et al
H. Yu,Y. J. Kaufman,M. Chin,G. Feingold,L. A. Remer,T. L. Anderson,Y. Balkanski,N. Bellouin,O. Boucher,S. Christopher,P. DeCola,R. Kahn,D. Koch,N. Loeb,M. S. Reddy,M. Schulz,T. Takemura,M. Zhou
Abstract:We appreciate the reviewer’s detail and insightful comments on the work. We fully agree that enhanced uncertainty analysis and attribution of differences observed between methods are important to advancing the knowledge of aerosol direct effect and forcing. In the revision, we now discuss uncertainties associated with individual methods more quantitatively and in more detail, focusing on measurement-based estimates (section 3.1). We briefly discuss model diversities that have been documented and discussed in recent Global Aerosol Model Intercomparison (AEROCOM) papers (Kinne et al., 2005; Textor et al., 2005; Schulz et al., 2005), in which recent intercomparison results from 16 different global models are presented and some explanations of the model diversities and uncertainties are offered. We add in the revision (section 3.2.3)