An Effective Test Method for Block RAMs in Heterogeneous FPGAs Based on a Novel Partial Bitstream Relocation Technique
Wei Xiong,Yanze Li,Changpeng Sun,Huanlin Luo,Jiafeng Liu,Jian Wang,Jinmei Lai,Gang Qu
Abstract:Block RAMs (BRAMs) play an important role in modern heterogenous FPGAs, hence how to test them comprehensively and effectively becomes a major concern. On-chip Partial Bitstream Relocation (PBR) technique based on FPGA Dynamic Partial Reconfiguration (DPR) can decrease the time spent on configuring modules in FPGA while reducing the memory resources overhead for storing partial bitstreams of the reconfigurable modules. The previous PBR technique is difficult to be combined with BRAM test directly, because they are somehow tedious, unsuitable for large-scale design or limited to specific devices. Besides, the problem exists for BRAM testing is that fault model is still incomplete and testing algorithms need to be improved to achieve higher fault coverage. An Effective BRAM test method based on a novel PBR technique is proposed in this paper. Our test method establishes a complete fault model for BRAM and improves the testing algorithms for faults in BRAM ECC circuits and intra-word coupling faults in SRAM cells. On-board experiments are carried out with Xilinx xc7vx690t device, and 14 BRAM configurations are used to fully test BRAMs. In conjunction with the proposed PBR technique, the number of configurations can be reduced to 10, which leads to a 35.7% time saving.