Machine learning based laser homogenization method
Xu Zhang,Jin-Min Ding,Chen-Yang Hou,Yi-Ming Zhao,Hong-Wei Liu,Sheng Liang,National Physical Experiment Teaching Demonstration Center, Key Laboratory of Education Ministry on Luminescence and Optical Information Technology, School of Physical Science and Engineering, Beijing Jiaotong University, Beijing 100044, China
IF: 0.906
Acta Physica Sinica
Abstract:Author(s): Zhang Xu, Ding Jin-Min, Hou Chen-Yang, Zhao Yi-Ming, Liu Hong-Wei, Liang Sheng <sec<laser (g-s)="" (slm)="" 13%.="" a="" achieve="" address="" addressing="" affects="" aims="" algorithm="" also="" an="" and="" application="" applications="" approach="" are="" artificial="" as="" based="" beam="" beam,="" between="" by="" can="" caused="" change="" compared="" compensating="" compensation="" complicated="" component="" controlling="" corresponding="" dataset="" density.="" detection="" directionality,="" discrepancies="" distribution="" due="" efficient="" encounter="" energy="" energy,="" energy.="" error="" errors="" errors,="" establishes="" existing="" expected="" experimental="" experiments.="" fail="" fields="" fields.<="" flexibility.="" for="" from="" furthermore,="" gaussian="" generate="" generated="" gerchberg-saxton="" guidance="" high="" hologram="" homogenization="" homogenization.="" homogenized="" however,="" images="" images.="" imaging,="" improving="" in="" incident="" inherent="" intelligence="" intensity="" interaction="" interference,="" into="" is="" it="" its="" laser="" leading="" learning="" learning-based="" light="" limitations="" machine="" manipulation.="" mapping="" matter.="" means="" method="" method.="" methods="" methods,="" modulate="" modulator="" monochromaticity,="" necessary="" non-uniform="" non-uniformity="" of="" on="" optical="" p="" phase="" poor="" possesses="" precisely="" preliminary="" preparation="" prevents="" problems="" problems.<="" processing,="" proposed="" provide="" reduces="" reference="" regression="" relationships="" reshape="" restrict="" results="" results.="" sec<<="" sec<<sec Acta Physica Sinica. 2024 73(16): 164205. Published 2024-08-20</sec
physics, multidisciplinary