Optimization of High Precision Magnetostrictive Linear Displacement Sensor

Kangchi Liu,Lu Yang,Mingquan Wang,Shunmin Yang
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1109/jsen.2021.3086991
IF: 4.3
IEEE Sensors Journal
Abstract:The magnetostrictive linear displacement sensor is a sensor for measuring absolute displacements. The sensor makes use of the magnetostrictive effect and inverse effect to complete the excitation and reception of ultrasonic guided waves, and from the computed time-of-flight of the guided wave the position of the cursor is determined. To improve the measurement accuracy of the sensor, this paper optimizes the system structure and the signal processing method. Improvement made to the bias magnetic field gave the best transduction efficiency; copper rings were used for accurate control of the dynamic magnetic field range, which enhanced the signal amplitude and effectively reduced the hysteresis impact; two-segment receiving coils were used to improve the SNR; and zero-phase filters were used to remove echo signal noise and phase shift. The delay time difference of the echo signal was determined by the cross-correlation algorithm, which determined accurately the value of displacement. The experimental results put the maximum error of the sensor at <span class="mjpage"><svg xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" width="11.615ex" height="2.509ex" style="vertical-align: -0.671ex; margin-left: -0.089ex;" viewBox="-38.5 -791.3 5001 1080.4" role="img" focusable="false" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"><g stroke="currentColor" fill="currentColor" stroke-width="0" transform="matrix(1 0 0 -1 0 0)"> <use xlink:href="#MJMATHI-70" x="0" y="0"></use> <use xlink:href="#MJMATHI-6D" x="503" y="0"></use><g transform="translate(1382,0)"> <use xlink:href="#MJMAIN-32"></use> <use xlink:href="#MJMAIN-35" x="500" y="0"></use></g> <use xlink:href="#MJMATHI-6D" x="2633" y="0"></use> <use xlink:href="#MJMATHI-75" x="3511" y="0"></use> <use xlink:href="#MJMATHI-6D" x="4084" y="0"></use></g></svg></span> .<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" style="display: none;"><defs id="MathJax_SVG_glyphs"><path stroke-width="1" id="MJMATHI-70" d="M23 287Q24 290 25 295T30 317T40 348T55 381T75 411T101 433T134 442Q209 442 230 378L240 387Q302 442 358 442Q423 442 460 395T497 281Q497 173 421 82T249 -10Q227 -10 210 -4Q199 1 187 11T168 28L161 36Q160 35 139 -51T118 -138Q118 -144 126 -145T163 -148H188Q194 -155 194 -157T191 -175Q188 -187 185 -190T172 -194Q170 -194 161 -194T127 -193T65 -192Q-5 -192 -24 -194H-32Q-39 -187 -39 -183Q-37 -156 -26 -148H-6Q28 -147 33 -136Q36 -130 94 103T155 350Q156 355 156 364Q156 405 131 405Q109 405 94 377T71 316T59 280Q57 278 43 278H29Q23 284 23 287ZM178 102Q200 26 252 26Q282 26 310 49T356 107Q374 141 392 215T411 325V331Q411 405 350 405Q339 405 328 402T306 393T286 380T269 365T254 350T243 336T235 326L232 322Q232 321 229 308T218 264T204 212Q178 106 178 102Z"></path><path stroke-width="1" id="MJMATHI-6D" d="M21 287Q22 293 24 303T36 341T56 388T88 425T132 442T175 435T205 417T221 395T229 376L231 369Q231 367 232 367L243 378Q303 442 384 442Q401 442 415 440T441 433T460 423T475 411T485 398T493 385T497 373T500 364T502 357L510 367Q573 442 659 442Q713 442 746 415T780 336Q780 285 742 178T704 50Q705 36 709 31T724 26Q752 26 776 56T815 138Q818 149 821 151T837 153Q857 153 857 145Q857 144 853 130Q845 101 831 73T785 17T716 -10Q669 -10 648 17T627 73Q627 92 663 193T700 345Q700 404 656 404H651Q565 404 506 303L499 291L466 157Q433 26 428 16Q415 -11 385 -11Q372 -11 364 -4T353 8T350 18Q350 29 384 161L420 307Q423 322 423 345Q423 404 379 404H374Q288 404 229 303L222 291L189 157Q156 26 151 16Q138 -11 108 -11Q95 -11 87 -5T76 7T74 17Q74 30 112 181Q151 335 151 342Q154 357 154 369Q154 405 129 405Q107 405 92 377T69 316T57 280Q55 278 41 278H27Q21 284 21 287Z"></path><path stroke-width="1" id="MJMAIN-32" d="M109 429Q82 429 66 447T50 491Q50 562 103 614T235 666Q326 666 387 610T449 465Q449 422 429 383T381 315T301 241Q265 210 201 149L142 93L218 92Q375 92 385 97Q392 99 409 186V189H449V186Q448 183 436 95T421 3V0H50V19V31Q50 38 56 46T86 81Q115 113 136 137Q145 147 170 174T204 211T233 244T261 278T284 308T305 340T320 369T333 401T340 431T343 464Q343 527 309 573T212 619Q179 619 154 602T119 569T109 550Q109 549 114 549Q132 549 151 535T170 489Q170 464 154 447T109 429Z"></path><path stroke-width="1" id="MJMAIN-35" d="M164 157Q164 133 148 117T109 101H102Q148 22 224 22Q294 22 326 82Q345 115 345 210Q345 313 318 349Q292 382 260 382H254Q176 382 136 314Q132 307 129 306T114 304Q97 304 95 310Q93 314 93 485V614Q93 664 98 664Q100 666 102 666Q103 666 123 658T178 642T253 634Q324 634 389 662Q397 666 402 666Q410 666 410 648V635Q328 538 205 538Q174 538 149 544L139 546V374Q158 388 169 396T205 412T256 420Q337 420 393 355T449 201Q449 109 385 44T229 -22Q148 -22 99 32T50 154Q50 178 61 192T84 210T107 214Q132 214 148 197T164 157Z"></path><path stroke-width="1" id="MJMATHI-75" d="M21 287Q21 295 30 318T55 370T99 420T158 442Q204 442 227 417T250 358Q250 340 216 246T182 105Q182 62 196 45T238 27T291 44T328 78L339 95Q341 99 377 247Q407 367 413 387T427 416Q444 431 463 431Q480 431 488 421T496 402L420 84Q419 79 419 68Q419 43 426 35T447 26Q469 29 482 57T512 145Q514 153 532 153Q551 153 551 144Q550 139 549 130T540 98T523 55T498 17T462 -8Q454 -10 438 -10Q372 -10 347 46Q345 45 336 36T318 21T296 6T267 -6T233 -11Q189 -11 155 7Q103 38 103 113Q103 170 138 262T173 379Q173 380 173 381Q173 390 173 393T169 400T158 404H154Q131 404 112 385T82 344T65 302T57 280Q55 278 41 278H27Q21 284 21 287Z"></path></defs></svg>
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