RFCharacteristic Andmodeling Oftherfmems Switch Packaging

Hanqin Wu,Xiaoping Liao
Abstract:TheRF characteristic ofa RF MEMS switch witha package capwasstudied inthis paperbasedonsimulation andanalysis. Simulation wasdivided into twoparts-the edge ofthecapandthecenter ofthecap,inorder toobserve the different effect level between theedgeandthecenter ofthe capontheswitch. Thethickness ofthebonding layer andthe depth ofcavity werechanged insimulations soastodetect thekeyfactor whichaffects theeffect level. We combined the simulation results withthemicrowave theory, calculated the changes oftheswitch impedance caused bythepackage cap. Thesimulated andcalculated results werevalidated using the soft MicroWave Office. Introduce Asthedevelopment ofRFmicromechanical techniques, MEMS switches arewidely noticed andhavebeenbecome oneofthemajorstudied MEMS devices. MEMS switches havemanyadvantages, suchaslittle dcpowerconsumption, verylowinsert loss, highisolation, lowintermodulation products, verywidebandwidth, integration withlowcostand soon. Itiswidely recognized that theadvantages offered bythe MEMS switch technology cannotbeachieved without an appropriate package whichshields andprotects theswitch. Lowloss andwellhermetic packages aretherefore essential forpractical highperformance RF MEMS devices. Fora package whoseperformance islargely dependent on frequency, itsimpedance mustbemaintained throughout the bonding interface. Mucheffort hasfocus ontheeffects ofthe package []-[4]. Thispaper presented theRFperformance ofthe RF MEMS switch withapackage cap.Firstly, we didthe switch matchdesign using thesoft HFSS[5] andADS inorder togettheoptimized RF performance. Secondly, weaddeda captotheswitch andsimulated theRF performance ofthe switch using HFSS,simulation wasdivided into twopartstheedgeofthecapandthecenter ofthecap,inorder to observe thedifferent effect level between theedgeandthe center ofthecapontheswitch. We changed thethickness of thebonding layer andthedepth ofcavity soastodetect the keyfactor whichaffects theeffect level. Thirdly, we combined thesimulation results withthemicrowave theory, calculated thechanges oftheswitch impedance caused bythe package cap.Finally, theresults wereverified using thesoft MicroWave Office.
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