Longitudinal Beam Parameters Measurement by Beam Position Monitors

DOI: https://doi.org/10.11804/NuclPhysRev.38.2020055
Abstract:To characterize the phase space distribution of the beam in C-ADS demo linac, beam paramet-ers need to be measured with high accuracy at the exit of RFQ. Transverse information of the beam has been measured via the method of emittance reconstruction and the beam optics has been verified. A meth-od has been adopted to measure beam longitudinal parameters by the SUM-signal of beam position monit-ors. The bunching voltage of the two bunchers and the SUM-signals in the downstream BPMs are recor-ded in the experiment. By combining the PSO(Particle Swarm Optimization) method with TraceWin sim-ulation, the results are obtained with the consideration of space charge effect. The measured emittance is quite close to the simulated one in Toutatis.
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