Fangzhou Chen,Jian Chen,Longwei Lai,Yongbin Leng,Tong Wu,Luyang Yu,Renxian Yuan
Abstract:Shanghai Soft X-ray Free Electron Laser (SXFEL) is a test facility to study key technologies and new FEL physics. In order to deliver high quality electron beams to the undulator section, a high resolution (better than 10 microns with 200 pC beam) Linac beam position monitor system has been developed. The system consists of stripline pickup and custom designed DBPM processor. The hardware and software architecture will be introduced in this paper. The online performance evaluation results will be presented as well. BACKGROUND SXFEL SXFEL is one of the high-gain FELs constructed in China. Key technologies have been tested through prototype developments. Based on the research and development prototype of hard X-ray FEL. The construction of the user facility in soft XFEL has already finished. The SXFEL facility consists of an electron injector with a thermionic cathode, main accelerate section including C-band high-gradient accelerators along with S-band accelerators, and in-vacuum undulators. Fig. 1 is SXFEL injector layout [1]. SXFEL Figure 1: SXFEL injector layout. is designed to generate a coherent x-ray beam using a selfamplified spontaneous emission (SASE) process. Below is the baseline parameters of SXFEL. In order to meet the harsh demands, the beam diagnostic system achieving high precision resolution is one of the most important technical issues. Demands for the precise measurement of the resolution of the SXFEL LINAC system. LINAC BPM System As the key beam diagnostics tool, BPM systems are widely equipped in all kinds of accelerators. Stripline Beam Position Monitors (SBPM) are main beam diagnostic instruments ∗ Work supported by The National Key Research and Development Program of China (Grant No. 2016YFA0401900, 2016YFA0401903) † ‡ in SXFEL. There are six SBPMs conducted in SXFEL injector section and nearly thirty SBPMs conducted in LINAC section in injector section used for the measurement and adjustment of beam orbit. Moreover, the sum of four SBPM electrodes signal can also apply in relative beam charge measurement. Fig. 2 is the block diagram of SBPM system. RF cable extract beam signal from SBPM pickup, RF signal conditioning circuit to digital BPM processor. Figure 2: BPM system block diagram Stripline BPM Since the size of the beam pipe is different, there are two kinds of SBPM with different K values in SXFEL. One of the beam pipe diameter is 16 mm while the K value is 5.24, the other is 25 mm while the K value is 7.59. The installation of the SBPM in SXFEL is different from the BPM installed in SSRF, we adopt horizontal and vertical installation mode. In that way, horizontal and vertical beam position measurement is mutual independence.Fig. 3(a) is the picture of stripline BPM. Figure 3: Stripline BPM and DBPM processors in SXFEL. DBPM processor The DBPM processors are custom designed to measure the beam positions, every beam position monitors is connected to a digital BPM processor. The centre frequency of the DBPM processor is 500 MHz, and the bandwidth is 20 MHz. The processor is carried a 16 bit high-resolution ratio ADC and advanced FPGA chip. The arithmetic of beam position is using Hilbert transform to exact the amplitude, using Δ − Σ arithmetic calculate the beam position. Fig. 3(b)is some of the DBPM processors conducted in the SXFEL technical corridor and Fig. 4 is SXFEL edm panel. 9th International Particle Accelerator Conference IPAC2018, Vancouver, BC, Canada JACoW Publishing ISBN: 978-3-95450-184-7 doi:10.18429/JACoW-IPAC2018-THPML067 THPML067 4794 Co nt en tf ro m th is w or k m ay be us ed un de rt he te rm so ft he CC BY 3. 0 lic en ce (© 20 18 ). A ny di str ib ut io n of th is w or k m us tm ai nt ai n at tri bu tio n to th e au th or (s ), tit le of th e w or k, pu bl ish er ,a nd D O I. 06 Beam Instrumentation, Controls, Feedback, and Operational Aspects T03 Beam Diagnostics and Instrumentation Figure 4: SXFEL EDM panel.
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