Beam instrumentation system development and commissioning in ssrf

Y. B. Leng,W. M. Zhou,Y. Z. Chen,K. R. Ye,R. X. Yuan,Y. B. Yan,Y. Zou,G. Q. Huang,G. B. Zhao,Z. C. Chen,L. Y. Yu,J. Chen,J. Yu,C. X. Yin,L. Y. Zhao,D. K. Liu,P. R. China
Abstract:In recent months the first beams have been stored in the Storage Ring of the Shanghai Synchrotron Radiation Facility (SSRF). The brief introduction will be given of the beam diagnostics system development. The initial commissioning results including beam profile monitors, beam position monitors (BPMs), DC current monitors (DCCT), and synchrotron radiation monitor (SRM) will be reported in this paper. SYSTEM OVERVIEW SSRF is a third generation light source, consisting of a 150MeV linear accelerator (LINAC), a LINAC to booster transfer line (LTB), a full energy booster (BS), a booster to storage ring transfer line (BTS), and a 3.5GeV storage ring (SR) [1]. Table 1 shows the specification of the various diagnostics systems. Table 1: SSRF Beam Instrumentation Specifications Measurement Specification Beam position Resolution 100μm@2Hz Beam profile Resolution 200μm@2Hz Bunch charge Relative accuracy 2% Energy Relative accuracy 0.1% LINAC LTB BTS Emmitance Relative accuracy 10% Beam position Resolution 100μm@1.67MHz Beam profile Resolution 200μm@2Hz DC current Resolution 50μA@10kHz BS Tune Resolution 0.001 Beam position Resolution 10μm@694kHz Resolution 1μm@10kHz Beam profile Resolution 10μm Beam length Resolution 2ps DC current Resolution 10μA@1Hz SR Tune Resolution 0.0001 To meet this specification a beam instrumentation system, consisting of 257 sensors and 1 dedicated diagnostics beam line, has been developed and implemented. Table 2 gives a summary of the various subsystems in all locations. Table 2: SSRF Beam Instrumentation sensors distribution
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