Progress of experimental and numerical modelling study on low-low temperature electrostatic precipitators
Jun Guo,Ding Yang,Baoyu Guo,Yinbiao Su,Xinglian Ye,Aibing Yu,Shuiqing Li
Abstract:Low-low temperature ESPs are important flue gas co ntrol device in the near future to achieve ultra-lo w emission from coal-fired power plant in China. In o rder to reveal the dust removal mechanism and perfo rmanceaffecting factors of ESP, Fujian Longking Co., Ltd. has carried out considerable research work, includ ing experimental tests under laboratory and engineering cond iti s, and numerical modelling of LLTESP. In the e xp rimental study of LLTESP, the effect of temperature o n the dust resistivity, grade removal efficiency an d charge quantity under laboratory and engineering condition s are described in detail. The test results indicat e that, as the flue gas temperature is reduced, dust resistivity d ecreases, grading dust removal efficiency and charg ing quantity are promoted, enhancing significantly the dust remo val efficiency of ESP in engineering applications. In the numerical part, the history of numerical simulation o f electrostatic precipitators, technical progress a nd existing problems are reviewed. The main methods of numerica l s mulations and the progress of current work are described in details, and the numerical modelling res ults are analysed. Studies have shown that LLTESP h as a significant effect on improving ESP through reduced du st resistivity and increased working voltage. Sulfu ric acid condensation can increase the particle saturation c harge by an increase in effective dielectric consta nt of dust particles. The decrease of flue gas temperature cha nges air density, viscosity, dust resistivity, elec tric field and acid deposition conditions, thereby enhancing the e ffici ncy of electrostatic precipitators.