Sub-50NM InGaAs/InAlAs/InP HEMT for sub-millimeter wave power amplifier applications
x b mei,vesna radisic,w r deal,w yoshida,j lee,l dang,p h liu,wei liu,m d lange,jiantao zhou,j uyeda,kevin leong,r lai
Abstract:An InGaAs/InAlAs/InP HEMT with sub-50nm EBL gate has been developed for sub-millimeter wave (SMMW) power amplifier (PA) applications. In this paper, we report the device performance including high drain current, high gain, high breakdown voltage and scalability to large gate periphery, which are essential for achieving high output power at these frequencies. Excellent yield, process uniformity and repeatability are also demonstrated, which is critical for power amplifiers employing large number of devices and gate fingers. 10mW output power is demonstrated from a fixtured 338 GHz PA module.