Simultaneous study of acoustic and optic phonon scattering of electrons and holes in undoped $\mathrm{GaAs}$/$\mathrm{Al_{x} Ga_{1-x} As}$ heterostructures
Y. Ashlea Alava,K. Kumar,C. Harsas,P. Mehta,P. Hathi,C. Chen,D. A. Ritchie,A. R.Hamilton
Abstract:The study of phonon coupling in doped semiconductors via electrical transport measurements is challenging due to unwanted temperature-induced effects such as dopant ionisation and parallel conduction. Here, we study phonon scattering in 2D electrons and holes in the $1.6-92.5$K range without the use of extrinsic doping, where both acoustic and longitudinal optic (LO) phonons come into effect. We use undoped GaAs/$\mathrm{Al_{x} Ga_{1-x} As}$ heterostructures and examine the temperature dependence of the sample resistivity, extracting phonon coupling constants and the LO activation energy. Our results are consistent with results obtained through approaches other than transport measurements, and highlight the benefit of this approach for studying electron-phonon and hole-phonon coupling.
Mesoscale and Nanoscale Physics,Materials Science