Electron Quasi-Confined-Optical-Phonon Interactions in Wurtzite Gan/Aln Quantum Wells

L. Li,D. Liu,J.-J. Shi
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1140/epjb/e2005-00139-x
Abstract:The equation of motion for the p-polarization field ina wurtzite GaN/AlN multilayer heterostructure is solved for thequasi-confined-optical-phonon modes based on thedielectric-continuum model and Loudon’s uniaxial crystal model.The polarization eigenvector, the dispersion relation of thequasi-confined-optical-phonon modes and theelectron-quasi-confined-phonon interaction Fröhlich-likeHamiltonian are derived. The analytical formulas can be directlyapplied to single/multiple quantum wells (QW’s) and superlattices.The electron-quasi-confined-phonon coupling functions areinvestigated for a given AlN/GaN/AlN single QW with full accountof the strains of the QW structures and the anisotropy effect ofwurtzite crystals. We find that there are two kinds ofquasi-confined-optical-phonon modes in the GaN/AlN QW’s: theGaN-layer quasi-confined-optical-phonon modes and the AlN-layerquasi-confined-optical-phonon modes. There are infinitequasi-confined-optical-phonon branches, labelled by a quantumnumber n (n=1,2,...), with definite symmetry with respectto the center of the AlN/GaN/AlN single QW for a given phonon wavenumber q. The dispersions of thequasi-confined-optical-phonon modes with smaller n are moreobvious than the ones with larger n. Moreover, the modes withsmaller n are much more important for theirelectron-quasi-confined-phonon interactions than those with largern. In most cases, it is enough to consider the modes with n≤8 for the electron-quasi-confined-phonon interactions in a singleGaN/AlN QW. The higher frequency modes are more significant thanthe lower ones. The long-wavelength quasi-confined-optical-phononmodes are much more important for theelectron-quasi-confined-phonon interactions. The GaN-layerquasi-confined-optical-phonon energies and theirelectron-quasi-confined-phonon interaction strength are markedlyincreased due to the strains of the QW structures. The influenceof the strains on the the AlN-layer electron-quasi-confined-phononinteractions can be ignored.
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