Improvement on Polishing Performance of Ce0.8 Zr0.2 O2 Solid Solution Abrasives for ZF7 Optical Glass

FU Mao-sheng,LI Yong-xiu,CHEN Wei-fan,WEI Liang-hua,HU Jian-dong
Abstract:Ultrafine abrasives Ce1-xZrxO2(x=0,0.2) were prepared via a modified wet-solid mechanochemical method,and their crystalline phase type,morphology,specific surface area,particle size and surface zeta potential were characterized by XRD,TEM and so on.The chemical-mechanical polishing(CMP) performance of as-synthesized abrasives for ZF7 optical glass was evaluated by the material removal rate(MRR) determination and AFM observation.Polishing performance of Ce_(0.8)Zr_(0.2)O_2 solid solution abrasives for ZF7 optical glass greatly improved than that of pure CeO2 abrasives.The MRR of Ce_(0.8)Zr_(0.2)O_2 solid solution abrasives slurry reached 463 nm/min,and its average roughness(Ra) of polished glass surface was 1.054 nm within 5.0 μm×5.0 μm district.In contrast,the MRR and Ra value of pure CeO2 were decreased to 292 nm/min and increased to 1.441nm,respectively.The increase in the MRR value and the decrease in Ra value of Ce_(0.8)Zr_(0.2)O_2 solid solution abrasives was nearly related to the increase of its minus particle surface Zeta potential and the decrease of its particle size.
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