On Well Posed Generalized Best Approximation Problems
C Li
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1006/jath.2000.3503
IF: 0.993
Journal of Approximation Theory
Abstract:Let C be a closed bounded convex subset of X with 0 being an interior point of C and p\"C be the Minkowski functional with respect to C. Let G be a nonempty closed, boundedly relatively weakly compact subset of a Banach space X. For a point x@?X, we say the minimization problem min\"C(x, G) is well posed if there exists a unique point z such that p\"C(z-x)=@l\"C(x, G) and every sequence {z\"n}@?G satisfying lim\"n\"-\"~p\"C(z\"n-x)=@l\"C(x, G) converges strongly to the point z, where @l\"C(x, G)=inf\"z\"@?\"Gp\"C(z-x). Under the assumption that C is both strictly convex and Kadec, we prove that the set X\"o(G) of all x@?X such that the problem min\"C(x, G) is well posed is a residual subset of X extending the results in the case that the modulus of convexity of C is strictly positive due to Blasi and Myjak. In addition, we also prove these conditions are necessary.