Multilayer Diamond‐Like Carbon Films on Monocrystalline Diamond
Andrey Okhapkin,Mikhail Drozdov,Pavel Yunin,Stanislav Kraev,Sergey Korolyov,Dmitry Radishev
physica status solidi (a) - applications and materials science
Abstract:Multilayer films of diamond‐like carbon on monocrystalline diamond substrates have been for the first time obtained by plasma‐chemical deposition. The multilayer nature of the resulting coatings is confirmed by periodic density modulation on the small‐angle X‐ray reflectometry curve and modulations in the CsC8, CsC6, CsC4 lines on the crater depth profile of secondary ions of elements. Multilayer films of diamond‐like carbon (DLC) on monocrystalline diamond substrates have been for the first time obtained by plasma‐chemical deposition. Their chemical composition and structural and morphological properties are studied. The DLC individual layers differ in their sp3 carbon content. The multilayer nature of the resulting coatings is confirmed by periodic density modulation on the small‐angle X‐ray reflectometry curve and modulations in the CsC8, CsC6, CsC4 lines on the crater depth profile of secondary ions of elements (secondary ion mass spectrometry). The dependence of the deposition rate of multilayer DLC films on diamond, their composition and properties on the argon additive to the reaction gas mixture, as well as on methane flow, pressure and growth time, are studied.