Topology of the space of conormal distributions
Jesús A. Álvarez López,Yuri A. Kordyukov,Eric Leichtnam
Abstract:Given a closed manifold $M$ and a closed regular submanifold $L$, consider the corresponding locally convex space $I=I(M,L)$ of conormal distributions, with its natural topology, and the strong dual $I'=I'(M,L)=I(M,L;\Omega)'$ of the space of conormal densities. It is shown that $I$ is a barreled, ultrabornological, webbed, Montel, acyclic LF-space, and $I'$ is a complete Montel space, which is a projective limit of bornological barreled spaces. In the case of codimension one, similar properties and additional descriptions are proved for the subspace $K\subset I$ of conormal distributions supported in $L$ and for its strong dual $K'$. We construct a locally convex Hausdoff space $J$ and a continuous linear map $I\to J$ such that the sequence $0\to K\to I\to J\to 0$ as well as the transpose sequence $0\to J'\to I'\to K'\to 0$ are short exact sequences in the category of continuous linear maps between locally convex spaces. Finally, it is shown that $I\cap I'=C^\infty(M)$ in the space of distributions. In another publication, these results are applied to prove a Lefschetz trace formula for a simple foliated flow $\phi=\{\phi^t\}$ on a compact foliated manifold $(M,F)$. It describes a Lefschetz distribution $L_{\text{\rm dis}}(\phi)$ defined by the induced action $\phi^*=\{\phi^{t\,*}\}$ on the reduced cohomologies $\bar H^\bullet I(F)$ and $\bar H^\bullet I'(F)$ of the complexes of leafwise currents that are conormal and dual-conormal at the leaves preserved by $\phi$.
Functional Analysis