The definable content of homological invariants II: Čech cohomology and homotopy classification
Jeffrey Bergfalk,Martino Lupini,Aristotelis Panagiotopoulos
Abstract:This is the second installment in a series of papers applying descriptive set theoretic techniques to both analyze and enrich classical functors from homological algebra and algebraic topology. In it, we show that the Čech cohomology functors $\check{\mathrm{H}}^n$ on the category of locally compact separable metric spaces each factor into (i) what we term their definable version, a functor $\check{\mathrm{H}}^n_{\mathrm{def}}$ taking values in the category $\mathsf{GPC}$ of groups with a Polish cover (a category first introduced in this work's predecessor), followed by (ii) a forgetful functor from $\mathsf{GPC}$ to the category of groups. These definable cohomology functors powerfully refine their classical counterparts: we show that they are complete invariants, for example, of the homotopy types of mapping telescopes of $d$-spheres or $d$-tori for any $d\geq 1$, and, in contrast, that there exist uncountable families of pairwise homotopy inequivalent mapping telescopes of either sort on which the classical cohomology functors are constant. We then apply the functors $\check{\mathrm{H}}^n_{\mathrm{def}}$ to show that a seminal problem in the development of algebraic topology, namely Borsuk and Eilenberg's 1936 problem of classifying, up to homotopy, the maps from a solenoid complement $S^3\backslash\Sigma$ to the $2$-sphere, is essentially hyperfinite but not smooth.
Logic,Algebraic Topology,Geometric Topology,K-Theory and Homology