Analysis of the influence of open-cut undercrossing of a national highway in Hangzhou on the existing municipal viaduct piers
CHEN Jian-jun,LIU Yan-zhao,WU Gao-chuang,LI Jun,XU Chao,WANG Jin-chang
Abstract:To investigate the influence of open-cut undercrossing of national highway 235 on the main bridge piers of Liuxiang Road west extension interchange,this work employed a combination of field monitoring and finite element simulation.Based on the supporting project,the three-dimensional computational model for both stratum and structure established using Plaxis 3D numerical analysis software,incorporated the HSS constitutive model to simulate the soil behavior.The entire process of open-cut tunnel construction in the undercrossing section was simulated.This analysis delved into the influence of the open-cut tunnel section of national highway 235 on the deformation and stress of piers on both sides of the main bridge of Liuxiang Road west extension interchange.Throughout the excavation of the foundation pit in the tunnel section,the finite calculation results for the horizontal displacement of the bracing structure closely aligned with the measured results,validating the calculation model.This affirmed the efficacy of the HSS constitutive model in simulating the open-cut construction of the undercrossing section.Finite element calculations revealed that,over the entire construction process of the open-cut construction and tunnel construction of the national highway 235 tunnel section,the viaduct piers on both sides experienced a certain degree of impact.The maximum horizontal and vertical displacements of the main bridge pier conformed to the deformation control requirements,ensuring the structural integrity and safety.