An Implantation and Detection System for Spectroscopy of 22,24 Si
SUN Lijie,XU Xinxing,LIN Chengjian,WANG Jiansong,FANG Deqing,LI Zhihuan,WANG Yuting,LI Jing,YANG Lei,MA Nanru,WANG Kang,ZANG Hongliang,WANG Hongwei,LI Chen,SHI Chenzhong,NIE Maowu,LI Xiufang,LI He,MA Junbing,MA Peng,JIN Shilun,HUANG Meirong,BAI Zhen,WANG Jianguo,YANG Feng,JIA Huiming,ZHANG Huanqiao,LIU Zuhua,BAO Pengfei,WANG Dongxi,WU Zhendong,YANG Yanyun,CHEN Zhiqiang,SU Jun,SHEN Yangping,ZHOU Yuanjie,MA Weihu,CHEN Jie
Abstract:A new decay detection system with high detection e?ciency and low detection threshold has been developed for charged-particle decay studies, including β-delayed proton, α decay or direct proton emission from proton-rich nuclei. The detection system was tested by using theβ-delayed proton emitter 24Si and was commissioned in the decay study of 22Si produced by projectile fragmentation at the First Radioactive Ion Beam Line in Lanzhou. Under a continuous-beam mode, the isotopes of interest were implanted into two double-sided silicon strip detectors, where the subsequent decays were measured and correlated to the preceding implantations by using position and time information. The system allows to measure protons with energies down to about 200 keV without obvious β background in the proton spectrum. Further application of the detection system can be extended to the measurements ofβ-delayed proton decay and the direct proton emission of other exotic proton-rich nuclei.