Numerical Study on theEffects ofBondParameters on Thermosonic BondStrength

Yongjin Guo,Zhongqin Lin
Abstract:Thermosonic ball bonding isapopular joining technique inmicroelectronic interconnect. Inthis paper, theeffects of bonding parameters onthebondstrength areinvestigated mainly using thefinite element method. Thecomplete ball bonding process including boththeimpact andultrasonic vibration stages ismodeled, andthestrain ratesensitivity of thegoldballandpadisconsidered. Fivevariables were defined toestablish therelationship betweenbonding interfacial deformation andbondstrength: thesegment extension ei,theratio ofsegment extension ki,thecontact ratio s,thesumofsegment extensions inbondinterface E ei,andtheratio ofthesumofsegment extensions k.It wasfoundthatthebondstrength atthebondinterface increases fromthecenter toedge; thebondstrength increases withthegrowth oftheinitial impact velocity; thebond strength increases firstly withtheincreasing ofthebonding time,thendecreases; andthereexists an appropriate temperature tolet thebondstrength tobemaximum. Finally, thesimulation iscompared withtheexperimental results.
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