Electroluminescence Andsurface TrapDistribution Inpolymeric Insulation

Guanjun Zhang
Abstract:Electroluminescence (EL)phenomena are nowrecognized asawarning signforelectrical aging of insulating polymers. Generally, polymeric degradation reveals theincrement ofthedensity ofluminescence andtrapcenters, soafundamental study isproposed to correlate theEL emission ofinsulating polymers and their trapping parameters. A sensitive photon counting system isconstructed todetect weakELemission. The time-resolved EL characteristics from different polymers (LDPE, PPandPTFE)areinvestigated witha planar electrode configuration understepped acvoltage invacuum. Insuccession, eachsample ischarged with exposing multi-needle coronadischarge, andthenits surface potential decayiscontinuously recorded ata constant temperature. Basedon theisothermal relaxation current theory, thetrapenergylevel and density ofbothelectron andholedistribution inthe surface layerofeachpolymer isobtained. Itis preliminarily concluded that ELphenomena arestrongly affected by thetrapproperties, andfordifferent polymers, itsEL intensity isindirect contrast toits surface trapdensity, andthiscanbequalitatively explained bythetrapping anddetrapping sequence of charge carriers intrapcenters withdifferent energy levels.
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