Microstructure Ofag-Snbonding Formems Packaging

Xiaogang Li,Jian Cai,Yoonchul Sohn,ShuiDi Wang
Abstract:Different metallization systems andbonding designs of Ag-Snbonding wereinvestigated toachieve goodbonding. Thebonding strength wasevaluated byshearforce. The microstructure ofbondinginterface was inspected by scanning electronic microscopy andEDAX. Shearforce test wasperformed foras-bonded dice. The test results indicate differences amongdifferent metallization systems. Thebonding pair withTi/Au astheUBM hasaquite lowshear strength because ofthebadadhesion onthesilicon substrate. Thebonding pair ofTi/Ni/Sn/Au andTi/Ni/Au/Ag obviously hashigher shear strength thanthat ofTi/Ni/Sn/Au andTi/Ni/Au/Ag/Au. Theformer is55.17MPa onaverage while thelater is36.05MPa. Theshear strength ofthepair of Ti/Ni/Sn/Au and Ti/Ni/Au/Ag issimilar to thatof Ti/Ni/Sn/Au andTi/Agwhichhastheshearstrength of 55.32MPa onaverage. TheNiandAu intheAg-Snbonding systemhave significant effect on themicrostructure ofthebonding interface. Thediffusion ofAuinto Snisquicker thanbothAg andNi.Thediffusion between AuandSnwouldinduce the obstacle oftheinter-diffusion between SnandAg.Niwill also diffuse quickly into SnandformNi3Sn4. Theexistence of NiinSnwill also influence thediffusion ofAginto Snand makethebadwettability during bonding. Afterseveral metallization systems havebeeninvestigated, finally a uniform bonding layer hasbeenachieved byexcluding Niand Au inthebonding system. Thebonding interface isAg3Sn layer dispersed withsomepureAg.
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