Intricate Multiscale Mechanical Behaviors of Natural Fish-Scale Composites

Deju Zhu,Francois Barthelat,Franck Vernerey
Abstract:Summary of results for (a) Young’s modulus and (b) tensile strength.Theerrorbarsindicatestandarddeviations. strength.Thissetofexperimentshighlightsthemaincharacteristics ofthefishscale’scomponents:thebonylayerisstiff,hardandbrittle becauseofitshigh mineral content, while theunderlyingcollagen cross-plyissofterandmoredeformablewithlargerstrainsatfailure. 25.4 Resistance to Sharp Penetration Themainfunctionoffishscalesistoprovidemechanicalprotection againstpredators[8]and,inparticular,thescalemustbecapableof preventingsharp objects suchas the teeth of predators [27] from completely penetrating the skin. The resistance to penetration of single striped bass scales was assessed by using an experimental setup that simulates a predator’s bite. A sharp steel needle (tip radius = 25 μm) was driven through a scale resting on a silicone rubber substrate ( E ∼ 1.8 MPa) usedto simulate the softdermis and tissues underlying the scale (Fig. 25.5a). The resulting load– displacement curves were highly repeatable with a slight force drop at about 2.2 N and a maximum penetration force of 3 to 4 N (Fig. 25.5b). For comparison, puncture tests were performed on thin polystyrene (PS) and polycarbonate (PC), which are modernengineeringpolymerstypicallyusedinCDcases,biomedical equipments, and protective gears where light weight, stiffness, strength, optical translucence and impact resistance are required. For proper comparison 10 mm diameter disks of these polymers wereprepared,andthethicknesswasadjustedsothearealdensity
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