Two-Stage Vpsa Process for Co2 Capture from Flue Gas Using Activated Carbon Beads
Chunzhi Shen,Zhen Liu,Ping Li,Jianguo Yu
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research
Abstract:Carbon dioxide removal from flue gas with a two-stage vacuum pressure swing adsorption (VPSA) process, which uses activated carbon (AC) beads as the adsorbent, was investigated both theoretically and experimentally. First, single-column VPSA experiments were studied for CO2/N-2 separation with high CO, feed concentration. Then, a two-stage VPSA process composed two columns for each stage was designed, and the effects of different parameters were investigated. The first-stage VPSA unit operates with a four-step Skarstrom cycle, which includes feed pressurization, adsorption, blowdown, and countercurrent purge with N-2. For the second-stage VPSA process, a cycle with feed pressurization, adsorption, pressure equalization, blowdown and pressure equalization was employed. With the proposed two-stage VPSA process, a CO2 purity of 95.3% was obtained with 74.4% recovery. The total specific power consumption of the two-stage VPSA process is 723.6 kJ/kg-CO2, while the unit productivity is 0.85 mol-CO2/kg.h.