Investigation on Surface Trapping and Electroluminescence Phenomena in Polymeric Insulation Materials
YANG Kai,ZHANG Guan-jun,ZHAO Wen-bin,YAN Zhang
Abstract:Electroluminescence (EL) usually occur before the aging of polymeric insulation materials,and EL has a component in the near ultraviolet (UV) region which is able to photodegrade the polymer,so EL technique can be used to investigate the electrical aging and breakdown mechanism of polymer. Based on the isothermal relaxation current (IRC) theory,a set of surface trap parameter measurement device for insulating materials was designed. The multi-needle electrodes were used to charge the surface of different materials such as the low density polyethylene (LDPE),polypropylene (PP) and polytetrafluoroetylene (PTFE) applied ±4 kV DC voltage,and the surface potential decay values were recorded in computer by the measurement system,finally the trapping parameters could be calculated according to the IRC method. Of the three kinds of material,the trap density of LDPE is higher than that of PTFE and PP. The distribution of electron and hole of LDPE and PTFE is symmetry,but the electron trap density is higher than hole trap density of PP,which is related to the molecular chain symmetry of polymer material. Moreover,based on a photon-counting module,a set of weak light measurement device was developed. The EL phenomena from the above polymers was studied under AC voltage application in vacuum. The experimental results reveal that trap density plays an important role on the EL characteristics,and higher the trap density,lower the light intensity.