Reflections on the Chinese Jurisprudence——The Nature of Jurisprudence and Different Approaches of Recently Chinese Jurisprudence
meng tao,lu nan,song xuguang,yang tianjiang,liu zhenyu,huang tao
Abstract:Meng Ta o’s article points out there is a long way for Chinese jurisprudence arriving at its authentic scientification,While the social science approach of jurisprudence can promote the true condition of the enforcement of China legal system, but whether the law is rational or irrational depends on the philosophical thinking about legal phenomenon. Lu Nan ’s artical treats the same subject from the point view of Comparative Jurisprudence, he want to answer the question of what is the central issue of the recently debates between the different approaches to the Chinese Jurisprudence. Song Xuguang ’s article wants to penetrate this debate and find the way out of the debates as well as establish the nature of jurisprudence. Yang Tianjiang ’s article suggests that the natural law scholars should avoid participating in the debate because this approach to jurisprudence now in its premature con-dition. Liu Zhengyu’s article stresses on Natural law theories can become the third intellectual trend in the debates of different approach of jurisprudence and this approach can transform the political character of the legal discourse to an authentic legal sci-ence. Huang Tao’s article insists on the necessity of overcoming the empirical method of Jurisprudence and the importance of in-quiry into the inner drive of normative life from the view of Classical Jurisprudence, as well as the inquiry of what is our best le-gal world and how to construct of the best legal world.