The Evolution of Chinese Constitutional Methodology in the Past 3 Decades

Abstract:Since the promulgation and implementation of Constitution in 1982,Chinese research on constitutional law has made some positive progress in the past 3 decades,in which the renovation of methodology comprised its essential characteristic and trend.The constitutional methodology has appeared diversity,in which the academic contention between constitution hermeneutics,normative constitution and political constitution aroused extensive attention.Around facts and values,scholars have formed 3 different perspectives or methods,among which are emphasizing normative values,laying stress on political facts and advocating the adaption to reality as well as concession of norms,and reconciling the conflict and seeking balance between norms and reality reasonably.At the same time,scholars has made some beneficial explorations on the categorization of methodology,which entailed the constitutional methodology pay more attention to constitutional issues happening in real life,in which analyze of the human value and constitutional status has become the distinguishing feature of constitutional law.It is the reflection of scholars' returning to the text of Constitution in order to protect normative values.Analyzing constitutional issues on the ground of the text has become a universal method.Moreover,scholars are trying to form a local discourse system of Chinese constitutional law through the acknowledgement of our legal culture,especially constitutional culture and values.In view of challenges and subjects that constitutional law confronts,the following methodological issues still needs further effort: promoting specialization of the constitutional methodology,propelling the synthesizing of the methods,encouraging the appliance of constitution hermeneutics,appreciating the appliance of empirical methods and insisting on the openness of methodology.
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