Measurement Of A(S) From Jet Rates At The Z(0) Resonance

K. Abe,I. Abt,P. Acton,G. Agnew,W. Ash,D. Aston,N. Bacchetta,K. Baird,C. Baltay,H. Band,G. Baranko,O. Bardon,R. Battiston,A. Bazarko,A. Bean,R. Belcinski,R. Ben-David,A. Benvenuti,M. Biasini,T. Bienz,G. Bilei,D. Bisello,G. Blaylock,J. Bogart,T. Bolton,G. Bower,J. Brau,M. Breidenbach,W. Bugg,D. Burke,T. Burnett,P. Burrows,W. Busza,A. Calcaterra,D. Caldwell,D. Calloway,B. Camanzi,M. Carpinelli,J. Carr,R. Cassell,R. Castaldi,A. Castro,M. Cavalli-Sforza,G. Chadwick,L. Chen,E. Church,R. Claus,H. Cohn,J. Coller,V. Cook,R. Cotton,R. Cowan,P. Coyle,D. Coyne,A. D’Oliverira,C. Damerell,S. Dasu,R. De Sangro,P. De Simone,S. De Simone,R. Dell’Orso,Y. Du,R. Dubois,W. Dunwoodie,G. Eigen,B. Eisenstein,R. Elia,C. Fan,M. Fero,R. Frey,J. Friedman,K. Furuno,M. Gallinaro,A. Gillman,G. Gladding,S. Gonzalez,G. Hallewell,T. Hansl-Kozanecka,E. Hart,K. Hasegawa,Y. Hasegawa,S. Hedges,S. Hertzbach,M. Hildreth,D. Hitlin,A. Honma,J. Huber,M. Huffer,E. Hughes,H. Hwang,Y. Iwasaki,J. Izen,P. Jacques,J. Jaros,A. Johnson,J. Johnson,R. Johnson,T. Junk,S. Kaiser,R. Kajikawa,M. Kalelkar,I. Karliner,H. Kawahara,M. Kelsey,H. Kendall,H. Kim,P. Kim,M. King,R. King,R. Kofler,M. Kowitt,N. Krishna,R. Kroeger,Y. Kwon,J. Labs,M. Langston,A. Lath,J. Lauber,D. Leith,X. Liu,M. Loreti,A. Lu,H. Lynch,J. Ma,W. Majid,G. Mancinelli,S. Manly,G. Mantovani,T. Markiewicz,T. Maruyama,H. Masuda,E. Mazzuícato,J. McGowan,A. McKemey,B. Meadows,D. Mellor,R. Messner,P. Mockett,K. Moffeit,R. Morrison,B. Mours,G. Mueller,D. Muller,T. Nagamine,U. Nauenberg,H. Neal,M. Nussbaum,L. Osborne,R. Panvini,H. Park,M. Pauluzzi,T. Pavel,F. Perrier,I. Peruzzi,L. Pescara,M. Petradza,M. Piccolo,L. Piemontese,E. Pieroni,K. Pitts,R. Plano,R. Prepost,C. Prescott,G. Punkar,J. Quigley,B. Ratcliff,T. Reeves,P. Rensing,J. Richman,L. Rochester,L. Rosenson,J. Rothberg,P. Rowson,J. Russell,P. Saez,A. Santocchia,O. Saxton,T. Schalk,R. Schindler,U. Schneekloth,D. Schultz,B. Schumm,A. Seiden,L. Servoli,M. Shaevitz,J. Shank,G. Shapiro,S. Shapiro,D. Sherden,C. Simopoulos,S. Smith,J. Snyder,M. Sokoloff,P. Stamer,H. Steiner,R. Steiner,I. Stockdale,M. Strauss,D. Su,F. Suekane,A. Sugiyama,S. Suzuki,M. Swartz,A. Szumilo,T. Takahashi,F. Taylor,M. Tecchio,J. Thaler,N. Toge,E. Torrance,M. Turcotte,J. Turk,T. Usher,J. Va’Vra,C. Vannini,E. Vella,J. Venuti,R. Verdier,P. Verdini,S. Wagner,A. Waite,S. Watts,A. Weidemann,J. Whitaker,S. White,F. Wickens,D. Williams,S. Williams,S. Willocq,R. Wilson,W. Wisniewski,M. Witherell,M. Woods,G. Word,J. Wyss,R. Yamamoto,J. Yamartino,S. Yellin,C. Young,H. Yuta,G. Zapalac,R. Zdarko,C. Zeitlin,J. Zhou,P. Zucchelli
IF: 8.6
Physical Review Letters
Abstract:We have determined the strong coupling alpha(s) from measurements of jet rates in hadronic decays of Z0 bosons collected by the SLD experiment at SLAC. Using six collinear and infrared safe jet algorithms we compared our data with the predictions of QCD calculated up to second order in perturbation theory, and also with resummed calculations. We find alpha(s)(M(Z)2)=0.118+/-0.002(stat)+/-0.003(syst) +/-0.010 (theory), where the dominant uncertainty is from uncalculated higher order contributions.
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