Measurement Of W And Z Boson Production Cross Sections In P(P)Over-Bar Collisions At Root S=1.8 Tev

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IF: 5.407
Physical Review D
Abstract:D0 has measured the inclusive production cross section of W and Z bosons in a sample of 13 pb(-1) of data collected at the Fermilab Tevatron. The cross sections, multiplied by their leptonic branching fractions, for production in <p(p)over bar> collisions at root s = 1.8 TeV are sigma(W)B(W-->e nu) = 2.36+/-0.02+/-0.08+/-0.13 nb, sigma(W)B(W-->mu nu) = 2.09+/-0.06+/-0.22+/-0.11 nb, sigma(Z)B(Z-->e(+)e(-)) = 0.218+/-0.008+/-0.008+/-0.012 nb, and sigma(Z)B(Z -->mu(+)mu(-)) = 0.178+/-0.022+/-0.021+/-0.009 nb, where the first uncertainty is statistical and the second systematic; the third reflects the uncertainty in the integrated luminosity. For the combined electron and muon analyses, we find sigma(W)B(W-->l nu)/sigma(Z)B(Z-->l(+)l(-)) = 10.90+/-0.52. Assuming standard model couplings, we use this result to determine the width of the W boson, and obtain Gamma(W) = 2.044+/-0.097 GeV. [S0556-2821(99)02715-0].
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