Measurement of Σ · B ( W → Eν ) and Σ · B ( Z 0 → E + E − ) in Pp Collisions at √ S = 1 . 8 TeV

F. Abe,M. G. Albrow,S. R. Amendolia,D. Amidei,J. Antoš,C. Anway-Wiese,G. Apollinari,H. Areti,M. Ataç,P. Auchincloss,F. Azfar,Patrizia Azzi,N. Bacchetta,W. Badgett,M. W. Bailey,J. Bao,P. de Barbaro,A. Barbaro-Galtieri,Virgil E Barnes,B. A. Barnett,P. Bartalini,G. Bauer,Thomas Baumann,F. Bedeschi,S. Behrends,Stefano Belforte,G. Bellettini,J. Bellinger,D. Benjamin,J. Benlloch,James Bensinger,D. Benton,A. Beretvas,J. P. Berge,S. Bertolucci,A. Bhatti,K. Biery,M. Binkley,F. Bird,D. Bisello,R. E. Blair,C. Blocker,A. Bodek,W. Bokhari,V. Bolognesi,D. Bortoletto,C. Boswell,T. Boulos,G. Brandenburg,C. Bromberg,E. Buckley‐Geer,H. S. Budd,K. Burkett,G. Busetto,A. Byon-Wagner,K. L. Byrum,J. Cammerata,C. Campagnari,M. Campbell,A. Caner,W. Carithers,D. Carlsmith,A. Castro,Y. Cen,F. Cervelli,H. Y. Chao,J. Chapman,M.-T. Cheng,G. Chiarelli,T. Chikamatsu,C. N. Chiou,L. Christofek,S. Cihangir,A. Clark,M. Cobal,M. Contreras,J. Conway,J. Cooper,M. Cordelli,C. Couyoumtzelis,D. Crane,J. D. Cunningham,T. Daniels,F. DeJongh,S. Delchamps,S. Dell’Agnello,M. Dell’Orso,L. Demortier,B. Denby,M. Deninno,P. F. Derwent,T. Devlin,M. Dickson,Jay Dittmann,S. Donati,R. B. Drucker,A. Dunn,K. Einsweiler,J. E. Elias,R. Ely,E. Engels,Sarah Catherine Eno,D. Errede,S. Errede,Q. Fan,B. Farhat,I. Fiori,B. Flaugher,G. W. Foster,M. Franklin,M. Frautschi,J. Freeman,J. Friedman,H. Frisch,A. Fry,T. A. Fuess,Y. Fukui,S. Funaki,Guido Gagliardi,S. Galeotti,Michele Gallinaro,A. F. Garfinkel,S. Geer,D. W. Gerdes,P. Giannetti,N. Giokaris,P. Giromini,L. Gladney,D. Glenzinski,M. Gold,J. Suarez Gonzalez,A. Gordon,A. T. Goshaw,K. Goulianos,H. Grassmann,A. Grewal,L. Groer,C. Grosso-Pilcher,C. Haber,S. R. Hahn,R. Hamilton,R. Handler,R. M. Hans,K. Hara,B. Harral,R. M. Harris,S. A. Hauger,Jay Hauser,C. Hawk,J. Heinrich,D. Cronin-Hennessy,R. Hollebeek,L. Holloway,A. Hölscher,S. J. Hong,G. Houk,P. Hu,B. T. Huffman,R. Hughes,P. Hurst,J. Huston,J. Huth,J. Hylen,M. Incagli,J. Incandela,H. Iso,H. Jensen,Colin Jessop,Umesh Joshi,R. W. Kadel,E. Kajfasz,T. Kamon,T. Kaneko,D. A. Kardelis,H. Kasha,Y. Kato,L. Keeble,R. D. Kennedy,R. Kephart,P. Kesten,D. Kestenbaum,R. M. Keup,H. Keutelian,F. Keyvan,D. H. Kim,H. S. Kim,S. B. Kim,S. H. Kim,Y. K. Kim,L. Kirsch,P. Koehn,K. Kondo,J. Konigsberg,S. Köpp,K. Kordas,W. Koska,E. Kovacs,W. Kowald,M. Krasberg,J. Kroll,Mark Kruse,S. Kuhlmann,E. Kuns,A. T. Laasanen,N. Labanca,Stephan Lammel,J. I. Lamoureux,T. LeCompte,S. Leone,J. D. Lewis,P. Limon,M. Lindgren,T. M. Liss,N. Lockyer,C. Loomis,Owen Rosser Long,M. Loreti,E. H. Low,J. Lu,D. Lucchesi,C. B. Luchini,P. Lukens,J. Lys,P. Maas,Kaori Maeshima,A. Maghakian,Petar Maksimović,M. Mangano,J. Mansour,M. Mariotti,J. P. Marriner,A. Martin,J. A. J. Matthews,R. Mattingly,P. McIntyre,P. Mélèse,A. Menzione,E. Meschi,G. Michail,S. Mikamo,Michael L. Miller,R. Miller,T. Mimashi,S. Miscetti,M. Mishina,H. Mitsushio,S. Miyashita,Y. Morita,S. Moulding,J. Mueller,A. Mukherjee,Thomas Müller,P. W. Musgrave,L. F. Nakae,I. Nakano,Charles A. Nelson,D. Neuberger,C. Newman-Holmes,L. Nodulman,S. Ogawa,S. H. Oh,K. E. Ohl,R. Oishi,T. Okusawa,C. Pagliarone,R. Paoletti,V. Papadimitriou,Sung Keun Park,J. Patrick,G. Pauletta,M. Paulini,L. Pescara,Michael Peters,T. J. Phillips,G. Piacentino,M. Pillai,R. Plunkett,L. Pondrom,N. Produit,J. Proudfoot,F. Ptohos,G. Punzi,K. Ragan,F. Rimondi,Luciano Ristori,M. Roach-Bellino,W. J. Robertson,T. Rodrigo,J. Romano,L. Rosenson,W. K. Sakumoto,David Saltzberg,A. Sansoni,V. Scarpine,A. Schindler,P. Schlabach,E. Schmidt,M. P. Schmidt,O. Schneider,G. Sciacca,A. Scribano,S. Segler,Sally Seidel,Y. Seiya,G. Sganos,A. Sgolacchia,Marjorie Shapiro,N. M. Shaw,Qing Shen,P. F. Shepard,M. Shimojima,Mel Shochet,J. Siegrist,A. Sill,P. Sinervo,P. Singh,J. Skarha,K. Sliwa,Dominic Smith,F. D. Snider,L. Song,T. Song,J. Spalding,Leonard Spiegel,P. Sphicas,A. Spies,L. Stančo,J. Steele,A. Stefanini,K. Strahl,James Strait,David Stuart,G. W. Sullivan,K. Sumorok,R. L. Swartz,T. Takahashi,K. Takikawa,G. F. Tartarelli,W. Taylor,P. K. Teng,Y. Teramoto,S. Tether,D. Theriot,Juergen Thomas,T. L. Thomas,R. P. Thun,M. Timko,P. Tipton,A. Titov,Slawek Tkaczyk,K. Tollefson,A. Tollestrup,J. Tonnison,Jorge F de Trocóniz,J. Tseng,M. Turcotte,N. Turini,N. Uemura,F. Ukegawa,Guillaume Unal,S. C. van den Brink,S. Vejcik,R. Vidal,M. Vondracek,D. Vucinic,R. G. Wagner,R. L. Wagner,N. Wainer,R. Walker,C. Wang,C. H. Wang,G. Wang,J. Wang,M. J. Wang,Q. F. Wang,A. Warburton,G. Watts,T. Watts,R. Webb,C. Wei,C. Wendt,H. Wenzel,W. C. Wester,T. Westhusing,A. B. Wicklund,E. Wicklund,R. Wilkinson,H. H. Williams,P. Wilson,B. L. Winer,J. Wolinski,D. Y. Wu,X. Wu,J. Wyss,Avraham Yagil,W-M. Yao,K. Yasuoka,Y. Ye,G. P. Yeh,P. Yeh,M. Yin,J. Yoh,C. Yosef,T. Yoshida,D. Yovanovitch,I. Yu,J. C. Yun,A. Zanetti,F. Zetti,L. Zhang,S. Zhang,W. Zhang,S. Zucchelli
IF: 8.6
Physical Review Letters
Abstract:We present a measurement of σ · B(W → eν) and σ · B(Z → ee) in proton antiproton collisions at √ s = 1.8 TeV using a significantly improved understanding of the integrated luminosity. The data represent an integrated luminosity of 19.7 pb from the 1992-1993 run with the Collider Detector at Fermilab (CDF). We find σ · B(W → eν) = 2.49 ± 0.12 nb and σ · B(Z → ee) = 0.231 ± 0.012 nb. PACS Numbers: 13.38.-b, 13.60.Hb, 14.70.-e Measurements of the product of the production cross section and the leptonic branching ratio for W and Z bosons, σ · B(W → eν) and σ · B(Z → ee), test the consistency of the standard model couplings [1], the understanding of higher order QCD contributions [2], and the parton distribution functions of the proton. In perturbation theory, the production cross section is predicted to next-to-next-to-leading order (NNLO), with ≈ 20% corrections to the leading order prediction from NLO and additional ≈ 3% corrections at NNLO [2]. In previous measurements at √ s = 1.8 TeV [3, 4, 5], the accuracy of the comparison to theoretical predictions has been limited by systematic uncertainties in the overall normalization and statistical uncertainties in the event samples. In Reference [6], CDF has presented the measured value of the ratio σ ·B(W → eν)/σ ·B(Z0 → ee) from the 1992-1993 data, but not the individual cross sections. In References [7, 8, 9], CDF has presented detailed
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