Measurement of the Ratio Σb(pp¯→w→eν)/σb(pp¯→z0→ee) Inpp¯collisions at √s=1800 GeV

F. Abe,M. G. Albrow,S. R. Amendolia,D. Amidei,J. Antos,C. Anway-Wiese,G. Apollinari,H. Areti,M. Atac,P. Auchincloss,F. Azfar,P. Azzi,N. Bacchetta,W. Badgett,M. W. Bailey,J. Bao,P. de Barbaro,A. Barbaro-Galtieri,V. E. Barnes,B. A. Barnett,P. Bartalini,G. Bauer,T. Baumann,F. Bedeschi,S. Behrends,S. Belforte,G. Bellettini,J. Bellinger,D. Benjamin,J. Benlloch,J. Bensinger,D. Benton,A. Beretvas,J. P. Berge,S. Bertolucci,A. Bhatti,K. Biery,M. Binkley,F. Bird,D. Bisello,R. E. Blair,C. Blocker,A. Bodek,W. Bokhari,V. Bolognesi,D. Bortoletto,C. Boswell,T. Boulos,G. Brandenburg,C. Bromberg,E. Buckley-Geer,H. S. Budd,K. Burkett,G. Busetto,A. Byon-Wagner,K. L. Byrum,J. Cammerata,C. Campagnari,M. Campbell,A. Caner,W. Carithers,D. Carlsmith,A. Castro,Y. Cen,F. Cervelli,H. Y. Chao,J. Chapman,M.-T. Cheng,G. Chiarelli,T. Chikamatsu,C. N. Chiou,S. Cihangir,A. G. Clark,M. Cobal,M. Contreras,J. Conway,J. Cooper,M. Cordelli,C. Couyoumtzelis,D. Crane,J. D. Cunningham,T. Daniels,F. DeJongh,S. Delchamps,S. Dell’Agnello,M. Dell’Orso,L. Demortier,B. Denby,M. Deninno,P. F. Derwent,T. Devlin,M. Dickson,J. Dittman,S. Donati,R. B. Drucker,A. Dunn,K. Einsweiler,J. E. Elias,R. Ely,E. Engels,S. Eno,D. Errede,S. Errede,Q. Fan,B. Farhat,I. Fiori,B. Flaugher,G. W. Foster,M. Franklin,M. Frautschi,J. Freeman,J. Friedman,H. Frisch,A. Fry,T. A. Fuess,Y. Fukui,S. Funaki,G. Gagliardi,S. Galeottia,M. Gallinaro,A. F. Garfinkel,S. Geer,D. W. Gerdes,P. Giannetti,N. Giokaris,P. Giromini,L. Gladney,D. Glenzinski,M. Gold,J. Gonzalez,A. Gordon,A. T. Goshaw,K. Goulianos,H. Grassmann,A. Grewal,L. Groer,C. Grosso-Pilcher,C. Haber,S. R. Hahn,R. Hamilton,R. Handler,R. M. Hans,K. Hara,B. Harral,R. M. Harris,S. A. Hauger,J. Hauser,C. Hawk,J. Heinrich,D. Cronin-Hennessy,R. Hollebeek,L. Holloway,A. Hölscher,S. Hong,G. Houk,P. Hu,B. T. Huffman,R. Hughes,P. Hurst,J. Huston,J. Huth,J. Hylen,M. Incagli,J. Incandela,H. Iso,H. Jensen,C. P. Jessop,U. Joshi,R. W. Kadel,E. Kajfasz,T. Kamon,T. Kaneko,D. A. Kardelis,H. Kasha,Y. Kato,L. Keeble,R. D. Kennedy,R. Kephart,P. Kesten,D. Kestenbaum,R. M. Keup,H. Keutelian,F. Keyvan,D. H. Kim,H. S. Kim,S. B. Kim,S. H. Kim,Y. K. Kim,L. Kirsch,P. Koehn,K. Kondo,J. Konigsberg,S. Kopp,K. Kordas,W. Koska,E. Kovacs,W. Kowald,M. Krasberg,J. Kroll,M. Kruse,S. E. Kuhlmann,E. Kuns,A. T. Laasanen,N. Labanca,S. Lammel,J. I. Lamoureux,T. LeCompte,S. Leone,J. D. Lewis,P. Limon,M. Lindgren,T. M. Liss,N. Lockyer,C. Loomis,O. Long,M. Loreti,E. H. Low,J. Lu,D. Lucchesi,C. B. Luchini,P. Lukens,J. Lys,P. Maas,K. Maeshima,A. Maghakian,P. Maksimovic,M. Mangano,J. Mansour,M. Mariotti,J. P. Marriner,A. Martin,J. A. J. Matthews,R. Mattingly,P. McIntyre,P. Melese,A. Menzione,E. Meschi,G. Michail,S. Mikamo,M. Miller,R. Miller,T. Mimashi,S. Miscetti,M. Mishina,H. Mitsushio,S. Miyashita,Y. Morita,S. Moulding,J. Mueller,A. Mukherjee,T. Muller,P. Musgrave,L. F. Nakae,I. Nakano,C. Nelson,D. Neuberger,C. Newman-Holmes,L. Nodulman,S. Ogawa,S. H. Oh,K. E. Ohl,R. Oishi,T. Okusawa,C. Pagliarone,R. Paoletti,V. Papadimitriou,S. Park,J. Patrick,G. Pauletta,M. Paulini,L. Pescara,M. D. Peters,T. J. Phillips,G. Piacentino,M. Pillai,R. Plunkett,L. Pondrom,N. Produit,J. Proudfoot,F. Ptohos,G. Punzi,K. Ragan,F. Rimondi,L. Ristori,M. Roach-Bellino,W. J. Robertson,T. Rodrigo,J. Romano,L. Rosenson,W. K. Sakumoto,D. Saltzberg,A. Sansoni,V. Scarpine,A. Schindler,P. Schlabach,E. E. Schmidt,M. P. Schmidt,O. Schneider,G. F. Sciacca,A. Scribano,S. Segler,S. Seidel,Y. Seiya,G. Sganos,A. Sgolacchia,M. Shapiro,N. M. Shaw,Q. Shen,P. F. Shepard,M. Shimojima,M. Shochet,J. Siegrist,A. Sill,P. Sinervo,P. Singh,J. Skarha,K. Sliwa,D. A. Smith,F. D. Snider,L. Song,T. Song,J. Spalding,L. Spiegel,P. Sphicas,A. Spies,L. Stanco,J. Steele,A. Stefanini,K. Strahl,J. Strait,D. Stuart,G. Sullivan,K. Sumorok,R. L. Swartz,T. Takahashi,K. Takikawa,F. Tartarelli,W. Taylor,Y. Teramoto,S. Tether,D. Theriot,J. Thomas,T. L. Thomas,R. Thun,M. Timko,P. Tipton,A. Titov,S. Tkaczyk,K. Tollefson,A. Tollestrup,J. Tonnison,J. F. de Troconiz,J. Tseng,M. Turcotte,N. Turini,N. Uemura,F. Ukegawa,G. Unal,S. van den Brink,S. Vejcik,R. Vidal,M. Vondracek,R. G. Wagner,R. L. Wagner,N. Wainer,R. C. Walker,C. H. Wang,G. Wang,J. Wang,M. J. Wang,Q. F. Wang,A. Warburton,G. Watts,T. Watts,R. Webb,C. Wendt,H. Wenzel,W. C. Wester,T. Westhusing,A. B. Wicklund,E. Wicklund,R. Wilkinson,H. H. Williams,P. Wilson,B. L. Winer,J. Wolinski,D. Y. Wu,X. Wu,J. Wyss,A. Yagil,W. Yao,K. Yasuoka,Y. Ye,G. P. Yeh,P. Yeh,M. Yin,J. Yoh,T. Yoshida,C. Yousef,D. Yovanovitch,I. Yu,J. C. Yun,A. Zanetti,F. Zetti,L. Zhang,S. Zhang,W. Zhang,S. Zucchelli
IF: 5.407
Physical Review D
Abstract:We present an analysis of data from p p\ifmmode\bar\else\textasciimacron\fi{} collisions at a center-of-mass energy of \ensuremath{\surd}s =1800 GeV. A measurement is made of the ratio R\ensuremath{\equiv}\ensuremath{\sigma}B(p p\ifmmode\bar\else\textasciimacron\fi{}\ensuremath{\rightarrow}W\ensuremath{\rightarrow}e\ensuremath{\nu})/\ensuremath{\sigma}B(p p\ifmmode\bar\else\textasciimacron\fi{}\ensuremath{\rightarrow}${\mathit{Z}}^{0}$\ensuremath{\rightarrow}ee). The data represent 19.6 ${\mathrm{pg}}^{\mathrm{\ensuremath{-}}1}$ collected by the Collider Detector at Fermilab during the 1992--1993 collider run of the Fermilab Tevatron. We find R=10.90\ifmmode\pm\else\textpm\fi{}0.32(stat)\ifmmode\pm\else\textpm\fi{}0.29(syst), and from this value we extract a measurement of the W\ensuremath{\rightarrow}e\ensuremath{\nu} branching ratio \ensuremath{\Gamma}(W\ensuremath{\rightarrow}e\ensuremath{\nu})/\ensuremath{\Gamma}(W)=0.1094\ifmmode\pm\else\textpm\fi{}0.0033(stat)\ifmmode\pm\else\textpm\fi{}0.0031(syst). From this branching ratio we set a limit on the top quark mass of ${\mathit{m}}_{\mathit{t}}$>62 GeV/${\mathit{c}}^{2}$ at the 95% confidence level. In contrast with direct searches for the top quark, this limit makes no assumptions about the allowed decay modes of the top quark. In addition, we use a calculation of the leptonic width \ensuremath{\Gamma}(W\ensuremath{\rightarrow}e\ensuremath{\nu}) to obtain a value for the W total decay width: \ensuremath{\Gamma}(W)=2.064\ifmmode\pm\else\textpm\fi{}0.060(stat)\ifmmode\pm\else\textpm\fi{}0.059(syst) GeV.
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