Measurement of the Ratio of Differential Cross Sections for W and Z Boson Production As a Function of Transverse Momentum in Pp̄ Collisions at S=1.8 TeV

VM Abazov,B Abbott,A Abdesselam,M Abolins,V Abramov,BS Acharya,DL Adams,M Adams,SN Ahmed,GD Alexeev,GA Alves,N Amos,EW Anderson,Y Arnoud,MM Baarmand,VV Babintsev,L Babukhadia,TC Bacon,A Baden,B Baldin,PW Balm,S Banerjee,E Barberis,P Baringer,J Barreto,JF Bartlett,U Bassler,D Bauer,A Bean,F Beaudette,M Begel,A Belyaev,SB Beri,G Bernardi,I Bertram,A Besson,R Beuselinck,VA Bezzubov,PC Bhat,V Bhatnagar,M Bhattacharjee,G Blazey,S Blessing,A Boehnlein,NI Bojko,F Borcherding,K Bos,A Brandt,R Breedon,G Briskin,R Brock,G Brooijmans,A Bross,D Buchholz,M Buehler,V Buescher,VS Burtovoi,JM Butler,F Canelli,W Carvalho,D Casey,Z Casilum,H Castilla-Valdez,D Chakraborty,KM Chan,SV Chekulaev,DK Cho,S Choi,S Chopra,JH Christenson,M Chung,D Claes,AR Clark,J Cochran,L Coney,B Connolly,WE Cooper,D Coppage,S Crepe-Renaudin,MAC Cummings,D Cutts,GA Davis,K Davis,K De,SJ de Jong,K Del Signore,M Demarteau,R Demina,P Demine,D Denisov,SP Denisov,S Desai,HT Diehl,M Diesburg,S Doulas,Y Ducros,LV Dudko,S Duensing,L Duflot,SR Dugad,A Duperrin,A Dyshkant,D Edmunds,J Ellison,VD Elvira,R Engelmann,S Eno,G Eppley,P Ermolov,OV Eroshin,J Estrada,H Evans,VN Evdokimov,T Fahland,S Feher,D Fein,T Ferbel,F Filthaut,HE Fisk,Y Fisyak,E Flattum,F Fleuret,M Fortner,H Fox,KC Frame,S Fu,S Fuess,E Gallas,AN Galyaev,M Gao,V Gavrilov,RJ Genik,K Genser,CE Gerber,Y Gershtein,R Gilmartin,G Ginther,B Gomez,G Gomez,PI Goncharov,JLG Solis,H Gordon,LT Goss,K Gounder,A Goussiou,N Graf,G Graham,PD Grannis,JA Green,ZD Greenwood,S Grinstein,L Groer,S Grunendahl,A Gupta,SN Gurzhiev,G Gutierrez,P Gutierrez,NJ Hadley,H Haggerty,S Hagopian,V Hagopian,RE Hall,P Hanlet,S Hansen,JM Hauptman,C Hays,C Hebert,D Hedin,JM Heinmiller,AP Heinson,U Heintz,T Heuring,MD Hildreth,R Hirosky,JD Hobbs,B Hoeneisen,Y Huang,R Illingworth,AS Ito,M Jaffre,S Jain,R Jesik,K Johns,M Johnson,A Jonckheere,M Jones,H Jostlein,A Juste,W Kahl,E Kajfasz,AM Kalinin,D Karmanov,D Karmgard,Z Ke,R Kehoe,A Khanov,A Kharchilava,SK Kim,B Klima,B Knuteson,W Ko,JM Kohli,AV Kostritskiy,J Kotcher,B Kothari,AV Kotwal,AV Kozelov,EA Kozlovsky,J Krane,MR Krishnaswamy,P Krivkova,S Krzywdzinski,M Kubantsev,S Kuleshov,Y Kulik,S Kunori,A Kupco,V Kuznetsov,G Landsberg,WM Lee,A Leflat,C Leggett,F Lehner,J Li,QZ Li,X Li,JGR Lima,D Lincoln,SL Linn,J Linnemann,R Lipton,A Lucotte,L Lueking,C Lundstedt,C Luo,AKA Maciel,RJ Madaras,VL Malyshev,V Manankov,HS Mao,T Marshall,MI Martin,KM Mauritz,B May,AA Mayorov,R McCarthy,T McMahon,HL Melanson,M Merkin,KW Merritt,C Miao,H Miettinen,D Mihalcea,CS Mishra,N Mokhov,NK Mondal,HE Montgomery,RW Moore,M Mostafa,H da Motta,F Nang,M Narain,VS Narasimham,HA Neal,JP Negret,S Negroni,T Nunnemann,D O'Neil,V Oguri,B Olivier,N Oshima,P Padley,LJ Pan,K Papageorgiou,A Para,N Parashar,R Partridge,N Parua,M Paterno,A Patwa,B Pawlik,J Perkins,M Peters,O Peters,P Petroff,R Piegaia,BG Pope,E Popkov,HB Prosper,S Protopopescu,J Qian,R Raja,S Rajagopalan,E Ramberg,PA Rapidis,NW Reay,S Reucroft,M Ridel,M Rijssenbeek,F Rizatdinova,T Rockwell,M Roco,C Royon,P Rubinov,R Ruchti,J Rutherfoord,BM Sabirov,G Sajot,A Santoro,L Sawyer,RD Schamberger,H Schellman,A Schwartzman,N Sen,E Shabalina,RK Shivpuri,D Shpakov,M Shupe,RA Sidwell,V Simak,H Singh,JB Singh,V Sirotenko,P Slattery,E Smith,RP Smith,R Snihur,GR Snow,J Snow,S Snyder,J Solomon,V Sorin,M Sosebee,N Sotnikova,K Soustruznik,M Souza,NR Stanton,G Steinbruck,RW Stephens,F Stichelbaut,D Stoker,V Stolin,A Stone,DA Stoyanova,M Strauss,M Strovink,L Stutte,A Sznajder,M Talby,W Taylor,S Tentindo-Repond,SM Tripathi,TG Trippe,AS Turcot,PM Tuts,V Vaniev,R Van Kooten,N Varelas,LS Vertogradov,F Villeneuve-Seguier,AA Volkov,AP Vorobiev,HD Wahl,H Wang,ZM Wang,J Warchol,G Watts,M Wayne,H Weerts,A White,JT White,D Whiteson,JA Wightman,DA Wijngaarden,S Willis,SJ Wimpenny,J Womersley,DR Wood,Q Xu,R Yamada,P Yamin,T Yasuda,YA Yatsunenko,K Yip,S Youssef,J Yu,Z Yu,M Zanabria,X Zhang,H Zheng,B Zhou,Z Zhou,M Zielinski,D Zieminska,A Zieminski,V Zutshi,EG Zverev,A Zylberstejn
IF: 4.95
Physics Letters B
Abstract:We report on a measurement of the ratio of the differential cross sections for IV and Z boson production as a function of transverse momentum in proton-anti proton collisions at roots = 1.8 TeV. This measurement uses data recorded by the DO detector at the Fermilab Tevatron in 1994-1995. It represents the first investigation of a proposal that ratios between IV and Z observables can be calculated reliably using perturbative QCD, even when the individual observables are not. Using the ratio of differential cross sections reduces both experimental and theoretical uncertainties, and can therefore provide smaller overall uncertainties in the measured mass and width of the IV boson than current methods used at hadron colliders. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
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