Ratio of Jet Cross Sections Ats=630gev and 1800 GeV

B. Abbott,M. Abolins,V. Abramov,B. S. Acharya,D. L. Adams,M. Adams,G. A. Alves,N. Amos,E. W. Anderson,M. M. Baarmand,V. V. Babintsev,L. Babukhadia,A. Baden,B. Baldin,P. W. Balm,S. Banerjee,J. Bantly,E. Barberis,P. Baringer,J. F. Bartlett,U. Bassler,A. Bean,M. Begel,A. Belyaev,S. B. Beri,G. Bernardi,I. Bertram,A. Besson,V. A. Bezzubov,P. C. Bhat,V. Bhatnagar,M. Bhattacharjee,G. Blazey,S. Blessing,A. Boehnlein,N. I. Bojko,F. Borcherding,A. Brandt,R. Breedon,G. Briskin,R. Brock,G. Brooijmans,A. Bross,D. Buchholz,M. Buehler,V. Buescher,V. S. Burtovoi,J. M. Butler,F. Canelli,W. Carvalho,D. Casey,Z. Casilum,H. Castilla-Valdez,D. Chakraborty,K. M. Chan,S. V. Chekulaev,D. K. Cho,S. Choi,S. Chopra,J. H. Christenson,M. Chung,D. Claes,A. R. Clark,J. Cochran,L. Coney,B. Connolly,W. E. Cooper,D. Coppage,M. A. C. Cummings,D. Cutts,O. I. Dahl,G. A. Davis,K. Davis,K. De,K. Del Signore,M. Demarteau,R. Demina,P. Demine,D. Denisov,S. P. Denisov,S. Desai,H. T. Diehl,M. Diesburg,G. Di Loreto,S. Doulas,P. Draper,Y. Ducros,L. V. Dudko,S. Duensing,S. R. Dugad,A. Dyshkant,D. Edmunds,J. Ellison,V. D. Elvira,R. Engelmann,S. Eno,G. Eppley,P. Ermolov,O. V. Eroshin,J. Estrada,H. Evans,V. N. Evdokimov,T. Fahland,S. Feher,D. Fein,T. Ferbel,H. E. Fisk,Y. Fisyak,E. Flattum,F. Fleuret,M. Fortner,K. C. Frame,S. Fuess,E. Gallas,A. N. Galyaev,P. Gartung,V. Gavrilov,R. J. Genik,K. Genser,C. E. Gerber,Y. Gershtein,B. Gibbard,R. Gilmartin,G. Ginther,B. Gómez,G. Gómez,P. I. Goncharov,J. L. González Solís,H. Gordon,L. T. Goss,K. Gounder,A. Goussiou,N. Graf,G. Graham,P. D. Grannis,J. A. Green,H. Greenlee,S. Grinstein,L. Groer,P. Grudberg,S. Grünendahl,A. Gupta,S. N. Gurzhiev,G. Gutierrez,P. Gutierrez,N. J. Hadley,H. Haggerty,S. Hagopian,V. Hagopian,K. S. Hahn,R. E. Hall,P. Hanlet,S. Hansen,J. M. Hauptman,C. Hays,C. Hebert,D. Hedin,A. P. Heinson,U. Heintz,T. Heuring,R. Hirosky,J. D. Hobbs,B. Hoeneisen,J. S. Hoftun,S. Hou,Y. Huang,A. S. Ito,S. A. Jerger,R. Jesik,K. Johns,M. Johnson,A. Jonckheere,M. Jones,H. Jöstlein,A. Juste,S. Kahn,E. Kajfasz,D. Karmanov,D. Karmgard,R. Kehoe,S. K. Kim,B. Klima,C. Klopfenstein,B. Knuteson,W. Ko,J. M. Kohli,A. V. Kostritskiy,J. Kotcher,A. V. Kotwal,A. V. Kozelov,E. A. Kozlovsky,J. Krane,M. R. Krishnaswamy,S. Krzywdzinski,M. Kubantsev,S. Kuleshov,Y. Kulik,S. Kunori,V. E. Kuznetsov,G. Landsberg,A. Leflat,F. Lehner,J. Li,Q. Z. Li,J. G. R. Lima,D. Lincoln,S. L. Linn,J. Linnemann,R. Lipton,A. Lucotte,L. Lueking,C. Lundstedt,A. K. A. Maciel,R. J. Madaras,V. Manankov,H. S. Mao,T. Marshall,M. I. Martin,R. D. Martin,K. M. Mauritz,B. May,A. A. Mayorov,R. McCarthy,J. McDonald,T. McMahon,H. L. Melanson,X. C. Meng,M. Merkin,K. W. Merritt,C. Miao,H. Miettinen,D. Mihalcea,A. Mincer,C. S. Mishra,N. Mokhov,N. K. Mondal,H. E. Montgomery,R. W. Moore,M. Mostafa,H. da Motta,E. Nagy,F. Nang,M. Narain,V. S. Narasimham,H. A. Neal,J. P. Negret,S. Negroni,D. Norman,L. Oesch,V. Oguri,B. Olivier,N. Oshima,P. Padley,L. J. Pan,A. Para,N. Parashar,R. Partridge,N. Parua,M. Paterno,A. Patwa,B. Pawlik,J. Perkins,M. Peters,O. Peters,R. Piegaia,H. Piekarz,B. G. Pope,E. Popkov,H. B. Prosper,S. Protopopescu,J. Qian,P. Z. Quintas,R. Raja,S. Rajagopalan,E. Ramberg,P. A. Rapidis,N. W. Reay,S. Reucroft,J. Rha,M. Rijssenbeek,T. Rockwell,M. Roco,P. Rubinov,R. Ruchti,J. Rutherfoord,A. Santoro,L. Sawyer,R. D. Schamberger,H. Schellman,A. Schwartzman,J. Sculli,N. Sen,E. Shabalina,H. C. Shankar,R. K. Shivpuri,D. Shpakov,M. Shupe,R. A. Sidwell,V. Simak,H. Singh,J. B. Singh,V. Sirotenko,P. Slattery,E. Smith,R. P. Smith,R. Snihur,G. R. Snow,J. Snow,S. Snyder,J. Solomon,V. Sorín,M. Sosebee,N. Sotnikova,K. Soustruznik,M. Souza,N. R. Stanton,G. Steinbrück,R. W. Stephens,M. L. Stevenson,F. Stichelbaut,D. Stoker,V. Stolin,D. A. Stoyanova,M. Strauss,K. Streets,M. Strovink,L. Stutte,A. Sznajder,W. Taylor,S. Tentindo-Repond,J. Thompson,D. Toback,S. M. Tripathi,T. G. Trippe,A. S. Turcot,P. M. Tuts,P. van Gemmeren,V. Vaniev,R. Van Kooten,N. Varelas,A. A. Volkov,A. P. Vorobiev,H. D. Wahl,H. Wang,Z.-M. Wang,J. Warchol,G. Watts,M. Wayne,H. Weerts,A. White,J. T. White,D. Whiteson,J. A. Wightman,D. A. Wijngaarden,S. Willis,S. J. Wimpenny,J. V. D. Wirjawan,J. Womersley,D. R. Wood,R. Yamada,P. Yamin,T. Yasuda,K. Yip,S. Youssef,J. Yu,Z. Yu,M. Zanabria,H. Zheng,Z. Zhou,Z. H. Zhu,M. Zielinski,D. Zieminska,A. Zieminski,V. Zutshi,E. G. Zverev,A. Zylberstejn
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1103/physrevlett.86.2523
IF: 8.6
Physical Review Letters
Abstract:The D0 Collaboration has measured the inclusive jet cross section in barpp collisions at square root of s = 630 GeV. The results for pseudorapidities (eta)<0.5 are combined with our previous results at square root of s = 1800 GeV to form a ratio of cross sections with smaller uncertainties than either individual measurement. Next-to-leading-order QCD predictions show excellent agreement with the measurement at 630 GeV; agreement is also satisfactory for the ratio. Specifically, despite a 10% to 15% difference in the absolute magnitude, the dependence of the ratio on jet transverse momentum is very similar for data and theory.
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