Inclusive Jet Cross Section In (P)Over-Bar-P Collisions At Root S=1.8tev

B Abbott,M Abolins,V Abramov,Bs Acharya,I Adam,Dl Adams,M Adams,S Ahn,H Aihara,H Alves,N Amos,Ew Anderson,R Astur,Mm Baarmand,Vv Babintsev,L Babukhadia,A Baden,V Balamurali,B Baldin,S Banerjee,J Bantly,E Barberis,P Baringer,Jf Bartlett,A Belyaev,Sb Beri,I Bertram,Va Bezzubov,Pc Bhat,V Bhatnagar,M Bhattacharjee,N Biswas,G Blazey,S Blessing,P Bloom,A Boehnlein,Ni Bojko,F Borcherding,C Boswell,A Brandt,R Breedon,R Brock,A Bross,D Buchholz,Vs Burtovoi,Jm Butler,W Carvalho,D Casey,Z Casilum,H Castilla-Valdez,D Chakraborty,Sm Chang,Sv Chekulaev,Lp Chen,W Chen,S Choi,S Chopra,Bc Choudhary,Jh Christenson,M Chung,D Claes,Ar Clark,Wg Cobau,J Cochran,L Coney,We Cooper,C Cretsinger,D Cullen-Vidal,Mac Cummings,D Cutts,Oi Dahl,K Davis,K De,K Del Signore,M Demarteau,D Denisov,Sp Denisov,Ht Diehl,M Diesburg,G Di Loreto,P Draper,Y Ducros,Lv Dudko,Sr Dugad,A Dyshkant,D Edmunds,J Ellison,Vd Elvira,R Engelmann,S Eno,G Eppley,P Ermolov,Ov Eroshin,Vn Evdokimov,T Fahland,Mk Fatyga,S Feher,D Fein,T Ferbel,G Finocchiaro,He Fisk,Y Fisyak,E Flattum,Ge Forden,M Fortner,Kc Frame,S Fuess,E Gallas,An Galyaeav,P Gartung,V Gavrilov,Tl Geld,Rj Genik,K Genser,Ce Gerber,Y Gershtein,B Gibbard,B Gobbi,B Gomez,G Gomez,Pi Goncharov,Jlg Solis,H Gordon,Lt Goss,K Gounder,A Goussiou,N Graf,Pd Grannis,Dr Green,H Greenlee,S Grinstein,P Grudberg,S Grunendahl,G Guglielmo,Ja Guida,Jm Guida,A Gupta,Sn Gurzhiev,G Gutierrez,P Gutierrez,Nj Hadley,H Haggerty,S Hagopian,V Hagopian,Ks Hahn,Re Hall,P Hanlet,S Hansen,Jm Hauptman,D Hedin,Ap Heinson,U Heintz,R Hernandez-Montoya,T Heuring,R Hirosky,Jd Hobbs,B Hoeneisen,Js Hoftun,F Hsieh,T Hu,T Huehn,As Ito,E James,J Jaques,Sa Jerger,R Jesik,T Joffe-Minor,K Johns,M Johnson,A Jonckheere,M Jones,H Jostlein,Sy Jun,Ck Jung,S Kahn,G Kalbfleisch,D Karmanov,D Karmgard,R Kehoe,Ml Kelly,Sk Kim,B Klima,C Klopfenstein,W Ko,Jm Kohli,D Koltick,Av Kostritskiy,J Kotcher,Av Kotwal,Av Kozelov,Ea Kozlovsky,J Krane,Mr Krishnaswamy,S Krzywdzinski,S Kuleshov,S Kunori,F Landry,G Landsberg,B Lauer,A Leflat,J Li,Qz Li-Demarteau,Jgr Lima,D Lincoln,Sl Linn,J Linnemann,R Lipton,F Lobkowicz,Sc Loken,A Lucotte,L Lueking,Al Lyon,Aka Maciel,Rj Madaras,R Madden,L Magana-Mendoza,V Manankov,S Mani,Hs Mao,R Markeloff,T Marshall,Mi Martin,Km Mauritz,B May,Aa Mayorov,R Mccarthy,J Mcdonald,T Mckibben,J Mckinley,T Mcmahon,Hl Melanson,M Merkin,Kw Merritt,C Miao,H Miettinen,A Mincer,Cs Mishra,N Mokhov,Nk Mondal,He Montgomery,P Mooney,M Mostafa,H Da Motta,C Murphy,F Nang,M Narain,Vs Narasimham,A Narayanan,Ha Neal,Jp Negret,P Nemethy,D Norman,L Oesch,V Oguri,E Oliveira,E Oltman,N Oshima,D Owen,P Padley,A Para,Ym Park,R Partridge,N Parua,M Paterno,B Pawlik,J Perkins,M Peters,R Piegaia,H Piekarz,Y Pischalnikov,Bg Pope,Hb Prosper,S Protopopescu,J Qian,Pz Quintas,R Raja,S Rajagopalan,O Ramirez,S Reucroft,M Rijssenbeek,T Rockwell,M Roco,P Rubinov,R Ruchti,J Rutherfoord,A Sanchez-Hernandez,A Santoro,L Sawyer,Rd Schamberger,H Schellman,J Sculli,E Shabalina,C Shaffer,Hc Shankar,Rk Shivpuri,M Shupe,H Singh,Jb Singh,V Sirotenko,E Smith,Rp Smith,R Snihur,Gr Snow,J Snow,S Snyder,J Solomon,M Sosebee,N Sotnikova,M Souza,Al Spadafora,G Steinbruck,Rw Stephens,Ml Stevenson,D Stewart,F Stichelbaut,D Stoker,V Stolin,Da Stoyanova,M Strauss,K Streets,M Strovink,A Sznajder,P Tamburello,J Tarazi,M Tartaglia,Tlt Thomas,J Thompson,Tg Trippe,Pm Tuts,V Vaniev,N Varelas,Ew Varnes,D Vititoe,Aa Volkov,Ap Vorobiev,Hd Wahl,G Wang,J Warchol,G Watts,M Wayne,H Weerts,A White,Jt White,Ja Wightman,S Willis,Sj Wimpenny,Jvd Wirjawan,J Womersley,E Won,Dr Wood,Z Wu,H Xu,R Yamada,P Yamin,T Yasuda,P Yepes,K Yip,C Yoshikawa,S Youssef,J Yu,Y Yu,B Zhang,Y Zhou,Z Zhou,Zh Zhu,M Zielinski,D Zieminska,A Zieminski,Eg Zverev,A Zylberstejn
IF: 8.6
Physical Review Letters
Abstract:We have made a precise measurement of the central inclusive jet cross section at root s = 1.8 TeV. The measurement is based on an integrated luminosity of 92 pb(-1) collected at the Fermilab Tevatron (p)over-bar-p Collider with the D0 detector. The cross section, reported as a function of jet transverse energy (E-T greater than or equal to 60 GeV) in the pseudorapidity interval [eta] less-than-or-equal-to 0.5, is in good agreement with predictions from next-to-leading order quantum chromodynamics.
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