Ratios of Multijet Cross Sections Inpp¯collisions At√s=
B. Abbott,M. Abolins,V. Abramov,B. S. Acharya,T. Adams,Mark Raymond Adams,G. A. Alves,N. Amos,E. W. Anderson,Marc M Baarmand,V. Babintsev,L. Babukhadia,A. Baden,B. Baldin,P. W. Balm,Sw. Banerjee,J. Bantly,Emanuela Barberis,P. Baringer,J. F. Bartlett,U. Bassler,A. Bean,M. Begel,Alexander Belyaev,Suman Bala Beri,Gregorio Bernardi,I. Bertram,A. Besson,V. A. Bezzubov,Pushpalatha C Bhat,Vipin Bhatnagar,M. Bhattacharjee,G. Blazey,S. Blessing,A. Boehnlein,N. I. Bojko,F. Borcherding,A. Brandt,Richard Breedon,G. Briskin,R. Brock,G. Brooijmans,A. Bross,D. Buchholz,M. Buehler,Volker Buescher,В. С. Буртовой,J. M. Butler,F. Canelli,W. Carvalho,D. Casey,Z. Casilum,Heriberto Castilla-Valdez,D. Chakraborty,K. M. Chan,S. V. Chekulaev,D. K. Cho,Suyong Choi,S. Chopra,J. H. Christenson,M. Chung,Daniel R Claes,A. R. Clark,J. Cochran,L. Coney,B. Connolly,W. E. Cooper,D. Coppage,M. A. C. Cummings,D. Cutts,O. I. Dahl,G. A. Davis,K. Davis,K. De,K. Del Signore,M. Demarteau,R. Demina,P. Demine,D. Denisov,S. P. Denisov,S. Desai,H. T. Diehl,M. Diesburg,G. Di Loreto,S. Doulas,P. Draper,Y. Ducros,Lev Dudko,S. Duensing,Shashikant Dugad,A. Dyshkant,D. Edmunds,J. Ellison,V. D. Elvira,R. Engelmann,S. Eno,G. Eppley,P. Ermolov,O. V. Eroshin,J. Estrada,H. Evans,V. N. Evdokimov,T. Fahland,S. Fehér,D. Fein,T. Ferbel,H. E. Fisk,Y. Fisyak,E. Flattum,F. Fleuret,M. Fortner,K. C. Frame,S. Fuess,Elizabeth Gallas,A. N. Galyaev,P. Gartung,V. Gavrilov,R. J. Genik,K. Genser,Cecilia Elena Gerber,Y. Gershtein,B. Gibbard,R. Gilmartin,G. Ginther,B. Gómez,Gervasio Gomez,P. I. Goncharov,J. L. González Solís,Howard Gordon,L. T. Goss,K. Gounder,A. Goussiou,N. Graf,Gerard J. Graham,P. D. Grannis,J. A. Green,H. Greenlee,S. Grinstein,L. Groer,P. Grudberg,Stefan Grünendahl,A. Gupta,S. N. Gurzhiev,G. Gutiérrez,P. Gutiérrez,N. J. Hadley,H. Haggerty,S. Hagopian,Vasken Hagopian,K. S. Hahn,R. E. Hall,P. Hanlet,S. Hansen,J. M. Hauptman,Chris Hays,C. Hébert,D. Hedin,A. P. Heinson,Ulrich Heintz,T. Heuring,Robert Hirosky,J. Hobbs,B. Hoeneisen,J. S. Hoftun,S. Hou,Yicong Huang,A. S. Ito,S. A. Jerger,R. Jesik,Kenneth Johns,Marvin Johnson,A. Jonckheere,M. Jones,H. Jöstlein,A. Juste,S. Kahn,E. Kajfasz,D. Karmanov,Daniel John Karmgard,R. Kehoe,S. K. Kim,Boaz Klima,C. Klopfenstein,B. Knuteson,Winston Ko,J. M. Kohli,A. V. Kostritskiy,J. Kotcher,Ashutosh Kotwal,A. V. Kozelov,E. A. Kozlovsky,J. Krane,M. R. Krishnaswamy,S. Krzywdziński,M. Kubantsev,S. Kuleshov,Y. Kulik,Shuichi Kunori,В. Е. Кузнецов,Greg Landsberg,A. Leflat,F. Lehner,J. Li,Q. Z. Li,J. G. R. Lima,Don Lincoln,Stephan Linn,J. Linnemann,R. Lipton,Arnaud Lucotte,L. Lueking,C. Lundstedt,A. K. A. Maciel,R. J. Madaras,V. Manankov,H. S. Mao,T. Marshall,M. I. Martín,R. Martin,K. M. Mauritz,B. May,A. A. Mayorov,R. McCarthy,John McDonald,T. R. McMahon,H. L. Melanson,X. C. Meng,M. Merkin,K. W. Merritt,C. Miao,H. Miettinen,D. Mihalcea,Allen Mincer,C. S. Mishra,N. Mokhov,N. K. Mondal,H. E. Montgomery,R. W. Moore,M. Mostafa,H. da Motta,E. Nagy,F. Nang,M. Narain,V. S. Narasimham,H. A. Neal,J. P. Negret,S. Negroni,D. Norman,L. Oesch,V. Oguri,B. Olivier,N. Oshima,P. Padley,Pan Lu,A. Para,Neeti Parashar,R. Partridge,N. Parua,M. Paterno,A. Patwa,B. Pawlik,J. Perkins,Michael Peters,O. Peters,R. Piegaia,H. Piekarz,B. G. Pope,E. Popkov,Harrison Prosper,S. Protopopescu,J. Qian,P. Z. Quintas,R. Raja,Srini Rajagopalan,E. Ramberg,P. A. Rapidis,N. W. Reay,S. Reucroft,J. Rha,M. Rijssenbeek,T. Rockwell,M. Roco,P. Rubinov,Randy Ruchti,J. P. Rutherfoord,Alberto Santoro,L. Sawyer,R. D. Schamberger,H. Schellman,A. Schwartzman,J. Sculli,N. Sen,E. Shabalina,H. C. Shankar,R. K. Shivpuri,D. Shpakov,M. A. Shupe,R. A. Sidwell,V. Ŝimák,H. Singh,J. B. Singh,V. Sirotenko,P. Slattery,E. Smith,R. P. Smith,R. Snihur,Gregory R Snow,J. Snow,S. Snyder,J. Solomon,V. Sorı́n,M. Sosebee,N. Sotnikova,K. Soustružnı́k,M. Souza,N. R. Stanton,Georg Steinbrück,R. W. Stephens,M. L. Stevenson,F. Stichelbaut,D. P. Stoker,V. Stolin,D. A. Stoyanova,M. Strauss,K. Streets,M. Strovink,L. Stutte,Andre Sznajder,W. Taylor,S. Tentindo-Repond,J. Thompson,D. Toback,S. M. Tripathi,T. G. Trippe,A. S. Turcot,P. M. Tuts,P. van Gemmeren,V. Vaniev,R. Van Kooten,Nikos Varelas,Alexey Volkov,A. P. Vorobiev,H. D. Wahl,H. Wang,Z.-M. Wang,J. Warchol,G. Watts,M. Wayne,H. Weerts,A. White,J. T. White,Daniel Whiteson,J. A. Wightman,D. A. Wijngaarden,S. Willis,Stephen Wimpenny,J. V. D. Wirjawan,J. Womersley,Darien Wood,R. Yamada,P. Yamin,T. Yasuda,K. Yip,S. Youssef,J. Yu,Z. Yu,M. Zanabria,Hua Zheng,Z. Zhou,Z. H. Zhu,M. Zieliński,D. Ziemińska,A. Ziemiński,V. Zutshi,E. G. Zverev,A. Zylberstejn
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1103/physrevlett.86.1955
IF: 8.6
Physical Review Letters
Abstract:We report on a study of the ratio of inclusive three-jet to inclusive two-jet production cross sections as a function of total transverse energy in p&pmacr; collisions at a center-of-mass energy sqrt[s] = 1.8 TeV, using data collected with the D0 detector during the 1992-1993 run of the Fermilab Tevatron Collider. The measurements are used to deduce preferred renormalization scales in perturbative O(alpha(3)(s)) QCD calculations in modeling soft-jet emission.
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