Study of Sealing Materials and Sealing Experiments in SOFC
Minfang Han,Yuqian Wang,Xianfeng Jiang,Suping Peng
Xiyou Jinshu Cailiao Yu Gongcheng/Rare Metal Materials and Engineering
Abstract:Sealing materials and process are key technologies in planar SOFC. The compositions of sealing materials were firstly determined, then mixed and milled for 7-8 hours. Glass materials were obtained by melt at 1300°C-1600°C and quenched. The powder materials were made by milling and screening. Properties of thermal expansion of sealing materials were on the same level to the both electrolyte and interconnect. 7 kinds of materials were used to seal in a temperature range from 900°C to 1300°C. The most suitable sealing temperatures related to sealing materials were determined. Thermal cycle experiments carried out and hermetical properties were tested by red-absorption. The results showed that samples using material S5 and S7 were feasible. Microstructure were observed with SEM, in the sample of 297-S5-YSZ, sealing materials joined well with YSZ but not so good with metal. As a result, S1, S3, S5, S6 and S7 can be applied in SOFC, in which S5, S6, S7 are more suitable.