Metallic and Ionic Fe Induced Growth of Si−SiOx Core−Shell Nanowires
Tian-Xiao Nie,Zhi-Gang Chen,Yue-Qin Wu,Jia-Le Wang,Jiu-Zhan Zhang,Yong-Liang Fan,Xin-Ju Yang,Zui-Min Jiang,Jin Zou
Abstract:Si-SiOx core-shell nanowires with a length of hundreds of micrometers and average diameters of 40-90 nm were fabricated by directly heating Si wafers coated with metallic Fe. These novel core-shell nanowires have a diamond structure for their ultrathin Si cores with a diameter of 5-8 urn aligned along the < 111 > growth directions inside much thicker amorphous SiOx shells. A new temperature-dependent alloy, metallic and ionic Fe (Fe-FeOx), catalyzed solid-liquid-solid mechanism is proposed to explain the growth of Si-SiOx core-shell nanowires based on both the synthesis conditions and microstructural characterizations.