Measurement Ofrbusing a Vertex Mass Tag

K Abe,T Akagi,NJ Allen,WW Ash,D Aston,KG Baird,C Baltay,HR Band,MB Barakat,G Baranko,O Bardon,TL Barklow,GL Bashindzhagyan,AO Bazarko,R Ben-David,AC Benvenuti,GM Bilei,D Bisello,G Blaylock,JR Bogart,B Bolen,T Bolton,GR Bower,JE Brau,M Breidenbach,WM Bugg,D Burke,TH Burnett,PN Burrows,W Busza,A Calcaterra,DO Caldwell,D Calloway,B Camanzi,M Carpinelli,R Cassell,R Castaldi,A Castro,M Cavalli-Sforza,A Chou,E Church,HO Cohn,JA Coller,V Cook,R Cotton,RF Cowan,DG Coyne,G Crawford,A D'Oliveira,CJS Damerell,M Daoudi,N de Groot,R De Sangro,R Dell'Orso,PJ Dervan,M Dima,DN Dong,PYC Du,R Dubois,BI Eisenstein,R Elia,E Etzion,S Fahey,D Falciai,C Fan,JP Fernandez,MJ Faro,R Frey,T Gillman,G Gladding,S Gonzalez,EL Hart,JL Harton,A Hasan,Y Hasegawa,K Hasuko,SJ Hedges,SS Hertzbach,MD Hildreth,J Huber,ME Huffer,EW Hughes,H Hwang,Y Iwasaki,DJ Jackson,P Jacques,JA Jaros,ZY Jiang,AS Johnson,JR Johnson,RA Johnson,T Junk,R Kajikawa,M Kalelkar,HJ Kang,I Karliner,H Kawahara,HW Kendall,YD Kim,ME King,R King,RR Kofler,NM Krishna,RS Kroeger,JF Labs,M Langston,A Lath,JA Lauber,DWGS Leith,V Lia,MX Liu,X Liu,M Loreti,A Lu,HL Lynch,J Ma,G Mancinelli,S Manly,G Mantovani,TW Markiewicz,T Maruyama,H Masuda,E Mazzucato,AK McKemey,BT Meadows,R Messner,PM Mockett,KC Moffeit,TB Moore,D Muller,T Nagamine,S Narita,U Nauenberg,H Neal,M Nussbaum,Y Ohnishi,N Oishi,D Onoprienko,LS Osborne,RS Panvini,CH Park,H Park,TJ Pavel,I Peruzzi,M Piccolo,L Piemontese,E Pieroni,KT Pitts,RJ Plano,R Prepost,CY Prescott,GD Punkar,J Quigley,BN Ratcliff,TW Reeves,J Reidy,PL Reinertsen,PE Rensing,LS Rochester,PC Rowson,JJ Russell,OH Saxton,T Schall,RH Schindler,BA Schumm,J Schwiening,S Sen,VV Serbo,MH Shaevitz,JT Shank,G Shapiro,DJ Sherden,KD Shmakov,C Simopoulos,NB Sinev,SR Smith,MB Smy,JA Snyder,H Staengle,P Stamer,H Steiner,R Steiner,MG Strauss,D Su,F Suekane,A Sugiyama,S Suzuki,M Swartz,A Szumilo,T Takahashi,FE Taylor,E Torrence,AI Trandafir,JD Turk,T Usher,J Va'vra,C Vannini,E Vella,JP Venuti,R Verdier,PG Verdini,DL Wagner,SR Wagner,AP Waite,SJ Watts,AW Weidemann,ER Weiss,JS Whitaker,SL White,FJ Wickens,DC Williams,SH Williams,S Willocq,RJ Wilson,WJ Wisniewski,M Woods,GB Word,J Wyss,RK Yamamoto,JM Yamartino,X Yang,J Yashima,SJ Yellin,CC Young,H Yuta,G Zapalac,RW Zdarko,J Zhou
IF: 8.6
Physical Review Letters
Abstract:We report a new measurement of Rb = Gamma(Z0->b-bbar) / Gamma(Z0->hadrons) using a double tag technique, where the b hemisphere selection is based on the reconstructed mass of the B hadron decay vertex. The measurement was performed using a sample of 130k hadronic Z0 events, collected with the SLD at the SLC. The method utilizes the 3-D vertexing abilities of the CCD pixel vertex detector and the small stable SLC beams to obtain a high b-tagging efficiency and purity. We obtain Rb=0.2142+/-0.0034(stat.)+/-0.0015(syst.)+/-0.0002(R_c).
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