Phenomenology of Secondary Breakup of Newtonian Liquid Droplets
Prashant Khare,Dongjun Ma,Xiaodong Chen,Vigor Yang
Abstract:In this paper, deformation and breakup of Newtonian liquid droplets at elevated pressures have been studied. Detailed physics pertaining to four different breakup regimes, oscillatory, bag, multimode and shear breakup modes , has been investigated using an incompressible interface tracking methodology. The accuracy and efficiency of the code was enhanced by incorporating an adaptive mesh refinement (AMR) techni que. In general, the aerodynamic drag force exerted by the ambient fluid causes the droplet to deform. The deformation is resisted by viscous and surface tension forces. The breakup mechanism becomes progressively violent as the We number increases, and moves from oscillatory to shear breakup regime. Quantitatively, the droplet lifetime decreases as the inertial force is increased in comparison to the deformation resisting, surface tension force. A criterion to mark the beginning of breakup has been quantified in terms of surface and kinetic energy associated with the droplet. Critical We numbers for the three regimes have also been identified for 100 atm pressure conditions. A generalized regime diagram, for Oh < 0.1, was developed to predict the various breakup modes, taking into account the pressure effect on critical We number, using data from previous experimental investigations , and simulations conducted during the current study.