The Effect of Zrsi2 and Sic Doping on the Microstructure and J(C)-B Properties of Pit Processed Mgb2 Tapes
YW Ma,XP Zhang,AX Xu,XH Li,LY Xiao,G Nishijima,S Awaji,K Watanabe,YL Jiao,L Xiao,XD Bai,KH Wu,HH Wen
Superconductor Science and Technology
Abstract:We investigated the effect of ZrSi2 and SiC doping on the microstructure, critical current density J(c) and flux pinning of Fe-sheathed MgB2 tapes prepared by the in situ powder-in-tube method. Heat treatment was performed at a low temperature of 650 degrees C for 1 h. The phases, microstructure and flux pinning were characterized by means of x-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscope, magnetic and transport property measurements. It was found that the tapes doped with nanoscale SiC had the best pinning performance, while the ZrSi2 powder showed a similar improved field dependence of J(c) compared with undoped samples. J(c) values for the SiC doped samples were enhanced by two orders of magnitude at 4.2 K in magnetic fields above 8 T. At 4.2 K and 10 T, the J(c) reached similar to 1.5 x 10(4) A cm(-2). Moreover, the critical temperature for the doped tapes decreased slightly ( < 1.2 K). Microstructural analysis shows that very good grain connections or/and grain refinement were obtained for the doped tapes. The mechanism of the enhancement of the flux pinning is also discussed.