Reflection and Reconstruction the Value of Higher Education Decision-making Model
Huang Jianxiong,Lu Xiaomei
Abstract:Different decision-making model expresses or implicits different value orientation,different value orientation dominates decision-maker's preferences of decision-making model.As a result of three major biased value orientation of centralization-based,instrumentalism and radicalism,higher education decision-making model in China is not reasonable for a long time,even had serious lessons of them,which have influenced the scientific development of higher education.To improve the quality of decision-making,it is necessary to reflect the value of decision-making model,adjust the biased value orientation,foster reasonable value orientation,that is to reconstruct and adhere to the value orientation of combining centralization and decentralization and decentralization-oriented,coordinating internal and external value and internal-value-oriented,integrating radical and gradual and gradual-oriented.