Education And The Reconstruction Of Chinese Society In The Globalized World
YE Fu-gui
Abstract:The three main properties of globalization,namely,mobility,competition,and unbalance,have led to an unequal,uncertain,and insecure world that we live in.These in turn have intrigued severe competition for security,advantages,and control among countries.Education has been degraded to an economic instrument of the competition.However,national competitiveness could not have been achieved by an education system in terms of economic instrumentalism and pragmatism.This is in particular the case with developing countries,where education now increasingly serves the private interests of enterprises and elites.Looking forward to a globalization with justice,it is necessary to reestablish the publicity of education and its function of enlightenment,shape citizenship,and improve democracy.An education system with improved system and function is the basis for true economic boom and political legitimacy,hence the key to rebalancing the world into a desired one by all.