Strong Uniqueness of Generalized Polynomial of Best Approximation Having Bounded Coefficients
Xu Shusheng
Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica English Series
Abstract:Let the set of generalized polynomials haviug bounded coefficients be\(K = \left\{ {p = \sum\limits_{j = 1}^n {a_j g_j :a_j \in [a_j ,\beta _j ]} ,j = 1,2,...,n} \right\},\) whereg1,g2, ...,g n are linearly independent continuous functions defined on the interval [a, b],α j ,β j are extended real numbers satisfyingα j <+∞,β j >−∞ andα j ⩽β j . Assume thatf is a continuous function defined on a compact setX ⊂ [a, b]. In the paper, we first give the sufficient conditions for the polynomial of best uniform approximation tof fromK being unique and strongly unique. Furthermore, we give two forms of necessary and sufficient conditions for the best approximation to be strongly unique.