Theoretical study of Dy<sup<3+</sup<, Na<sup<+</sup<: PbGa<sub<2</sub<S<sub<4</sub< mid-infrared laser based on experimental parameters

Xue-Zhou Yu,Chang-Bao Huang,Hai-Xin Wu,Qian-Qian Hu,Guo-Jin Liu,Ya Li,Zhi-Cheng Zhu,Hua-Bei Qi,You-Bao Ni,Zhen-You Wang,Crystal Lab of Laser Technology Research Center, Anhui Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics, Hefei Institutes of Physical Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Hefei 230031, China,University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei 230026, China
IF: 0.906
Acta Physica Sinica
Abstract:Author(s): Yu Xue-Zhou, Huang Chang-Bao, Wu Hai-Xin, Hu Qian-Qian, Liu Guo-Jin, Li Ya, Zhu Zhi-Cheng, Qi Hua-Bei, Ni You-Bao, Wang Zhen-You According to the absorption spectra of Dy<sup<3+< 0.92.="" 1.3="" 1.3μm="" 1.7="" 1.7-μm="" 103="" 12="" 17="" 2.8%,="" 2.9-μm="" 2<="" 315="" 32="" 4.3-μm="" 46="" 8%.="" <sup<6<="" a="" absorption="" achieved="" additionally,="" after="" analysis,="" analyzed.="" and="" are="" as="" at="" be="" before="" best="" between="" both="" by="" calculate="" calculation="" calculation.="" calculations="" can="" cannot="" changes="" coefficient="" coefficient,="" combing="" cross="" cross-section="" cross-section.="" crystal="" crystals="" demonstrate="" derive="" diode="" directly="" distributions="" during="" dy<sup<3+<="" dysprosium="" effectively="" effects="" efficiency="" elements,="" emission="" employ="" energy="" enhancing="" experimental="" facilitates="" finally,="" fluorescence="" for="" from="" furthermore,="" gain="" generate="" great="" ground="" guiding="" in="" indicate="" introduced="" introduction="" investigated="" is="" judd-ofelt="" laser="" lasers,="" length="" length,="" level="" levels="" levels,="" maximum="" measured,="" measurements="" method="" mid-infrared="" mirror="" mm="" model,="" mw="" na<sup<+<="" number="" numerical="" observed.="" obtained="" of="" on="" optical="" optimal="" oscillation="" our="" output="" p="" parameters.<="" partial="" particle="" path="" pbga<sub<2<="" performance="" phenomenon="" power="" power,="" processing="" pumping="" pumping,="" pumping.="" reaches="" reciprocal="" reducing="" reflectance="" respective="" results="" results,="" sections.="" selection="" self-terminating="" setup,="" show="" significance="" simulation.="" slope="" spatial="" state="" structure="" sub<="" sub<,="" sub<s<sub<4<="" sup<,="" sup<:="" sup<h<sub<11="" sup<h<sub<13="" sup<h<sub Acta Physica Sinica. 2024 73(16): 164203. Published 2024-08-20</sup<3+<>
physics, multidisciplinary
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