О.В. Дворников,В. А. Чеховский,А.В. Кунц,Н. Н. Прокопенко,В.Е. Чумаков,O. V. Dvornikov,V. A. Tchekhovski,A.V. Kunts,N. N. Prokopenko,V. E. Chumakov
Abstract:Operational amplifiers with different number of amplifying stages realized on complementarybipolar transistors and input field-effect transistors, with control p-n junction are considered.For the elements of the master slice array MH2XA031 the original electrical schematics of threeamplifier variants (OAmp11.3, OAmp12, OAmp14) containing the same static mode bias blockand output stage are given. The OApm11.3 circuit contains an input differential stage in the formof a " folded" cascode on p-JFETs and an intermediate amplifier stage on bipolar transistors. Theoperational amplifier OAmp12 includes an input dual source-repeater on p-JFETs and an " folded"cascode on complementary bipolar transistors. The OAmp14 circuit is realized on the basis ofdual source repeaters on p-JFETs and a high-precision voltage-to-current converter on complementarybipolar transistors in the intermediate stages. The presented electrical circuits are characterizedby low zero offset voltage, relatively high voltage gain and can be used for application in special and dual-purpose equipment. When designing the Op-Amp circuits on the master slice arrayMH2XA031 the search for a compromise combination of input current, noise level and voltage gainwas carried out, and special attention was paid to the choice of the operating mode of the inputJFETs. Single amplifier stage circuits, which typically provide lower noise, simple frequency correction,and larger bandwidth, were investigated. For an adequate comparison of the developed amplifiersthe modeling of their static and dynamic parameters at the same operating mode of identicalcircuit elements has been performed, which allowed to formulate recommendations on circuit synthesisof operational amplifiers depending on the required combination of parameters. When optimizingthe operating mode of the transistors of the " folded" cascode with input JFETs, the recommendationsconsisting in the necessity to increase the steepness of the input JFET transistors and the voltagedrop across the emitter resistors of the reference current sources were used.