Photonic spectro-interferometry with SCExAO/FIRST at the Subaru Telescope: towards H-alpha imaging of protoplanets
Sébastien Vievard,Manon Lallement,Elsa Huby,Sylvestre Lacour,Olivier Guyon,Nemanja Jovanovic,Sergio Leon-saval,Julien Lozi,Vincent Deo,Kyohoon Ahn,Nick Cvetojevic,Kevin Barjot,Guillermo Martin,Harry-Dean Kenchington-Goldsmith,Gaspard Duchêne,Takayuki Kotani,Franck Marchis,Daniel Rouan,Michael Fitzgerald,Steph Sallum,Barnaby Norris,Chris Betters,Pradip Gatkine,John Lin,Yoo Jung Kim,Cécil Pham,Cédric Cassagnettes,Adrien Billat,Motohide Tamura,Guy Perrin
Abstract:FIRST is a post Extreme Adaptive-Optics (ExAO) spectro-interferometer operating in the Visible (600-800 nm, R~400). Its exquisite angular resolution (a sensitivity analysis of on-sky data shows that bright companions can be detected down to 0.25lambda/D) combined with its sensitivity to pupil phase discontinuities (from a few nm up to dozens of microns) makes FIRST an ideal self-calibrated solution for enabling exoplanet detection and characterization in the future. We present the latest on-sky results along with recent upgrades, including the integration and on-sky test of a new spectrograph (R~3,600) optimized for the detection of H-alpha emission from young exoplanets accreting matter.
Instrumentation and Methods for Astrophysics